Browsing by Author Ramos-Jorge, Maria Letícia

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Showing results 7 to 13 of 13 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-2017Influence of masticatory function, dental caries and socioeconomic status on the body mass index of preschool childrenSoares, Maria Eliza; Ramos-Jorge, Maria Letícia; Alencar, Bruna Mota de; Oliveira, Simone Gomes; Pereira, Luciano José; Ramos-Jorge, Joana
Jul-2012Longitudinal assessment of periodontal status in patients with nickel allergy treated with conventional and nickel-free bracesPazzini, Camila Alessandra; Marques, Leandro Silva; Ramos-Jorge, Maria Letícia; Oliveira Júnior, Gilberto; Pereira, Luciano José; Paiva, Saul Martins
Apr-2017Premature deciduous tooth loss and orthodontic treatment need: a 6-year prospective studyMartins-Júnior, Paulo Antônio; Ramos-Jorge, Maria Letícia; Paiva, Saul Martins de; Pereira, Luciano José; Marques, Leandro Silva
2011Prevalence and predictive factors of sleep bruxism in children with and without cognitive impairmentMiamoto, Cristina Batista; Pereira, Luciano José; Ramos-Jorge, Maria Letícia; Marques, Leandro Silva
-Quality of orthodontic treatment performed by orthodontists and general dentists - A blind comparative evaluationMarques, Leandro Silva; Freitas Junior, Nacler de; Pereira, Luciano José; Ramos-Jorge, Maria Letícia
Oct-2010Severity of malocclusion in patients with cerebral palsy: determinant factorsMiamoto, Cristina Batista; Ramos-Jorge, Maria Letícia; Pereira, Luciano José; Paiva, Saul Martins; Pordeus, Isabela Almeida; Marques, Leandro Silva
2020The influence of malocclusion, sucking habits and dental caries in the masticatory function of preschool childrenSouto-Souza, Débora; Soares, Maria Eliza Consolação; Primo-Miranda, Ednele Fabyene; Pereira, Luciano José; Ramos-Jorge, Maria Letícia; Ramos-Jorge, Joana