Browsing by Author Barbari, M.

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Acoustic analysis of cement composites with lignocellulosic residuesFerraz, P. F. P.; Abreu, D. H. S.; Huallpa, B. N.; Santana, L. S.; Cecchin, D.; Rabelo, G. F.; Rossi, G.; Barbari, M.
2023Analysis of environmental conditions in two different compost bedded pack barn systems for dairy cattleAndrade, R. R.; Tinôco, I. F. F.; Damasceno, F. A.; Valente, D. A.; Oliveira, C. E. A.; Oliveira, V. C.; Rossi, G.; Barbari, M.
2019Behavioural and physiological responses of rabbitsFerraz, P. F. P.; Ferraz, G. A. S.; Barbari, M.; Silva, M. A. J. G.; Damasceno, F. A.; Cecchin, D.; Castro, J. O.
2021Building performance analysis of a dairy factory in South Iraq: appraisal of a local bio-based envelopeSimonini, S.; Rossi, G.; Becciolini, V.; Camiciottoli, S.; Conti, L.; Ferraz, P. F. P.; Ferraz, G. A. S.; Barbari, M.
2020Characterization of materials used in the manufacture of ceramic tile with incorporation of ornamental rock wasteLuiz, N. F.; Cecchin, D.; Azevedo, A. R. G.; Alexandre, J.; Marvila, M. T.; Silva, F. C. da; Paes, A. L. C.; Pinheiro, V. D.; Carmo, D. F. do; Ferraz, P. F. P; Hüther, C. M.; Cruz, V. M. F. da; Barbari, M.
2020Chemical analyses of lignocellulosic materials residue for cement panels reinforcementFerraz, P. F. P.; Mendes, R. F.; Ferraz, G. A. S.; Rossi, G.; Conti, L.; Barbari, M.
2020Comparison of airflow homogeneity in Compost Dairy Barns with different ventilation systems using the CFD modelFagundes, B.; Damasceno, F. A.; Andrade, R. R.; Saraz, J. A. O.; Barbari, M.; Vega, F. A. O.; Nascimento, J. A. C.
Dec-2022Effects of thermal environment on dairy cattle under a grazing system in the Western Amazon, BrazilOliveira, A.V.D.; Reis, E.M.B.; Ferraz, P.F.P.; Barbari, M.; Santos, G.S.; Cruz, M.V.R.; Silva, G.F.; Silva, A.O.L.
2020Estimate of manure present in compost dairy barn systems for sizing of manure storageDamasceno, F. A.; Monge, J. L.; Nascimento, J. A. C.; Andrade, R. R.; Barbari, M.; Saraz, J. A. O.; Ferraz, G. A. S.
12-Dec-2022Infrared thermography as a technique for detecting subclinical bovine mastitisOliveira, A.V.D.; Reis, E.M.B.; Ferraz, P.F.P.; Barbari, M.; Santos, G.S.; Cruz, M.V.R.; Silva, G.F.; Silva, A.O.L.
Feb-2020Invited review: compost-bedded pack barns for dairy cowsLeso, L.; Barbari, M.; Lopes, M. A.; Damasceno, F. A.; Galama, P.; Taraba, J. L.; Kuipers, A.
2020Lighting and noise levels in compost dairy barns with natural and forced ventilationAndrade, R. R.; Tinôco, I. F. F.; Damasceno, F. A.; Barbari, M.; Valente, D. A.; Vilela, M. O.; Souza, C. F.; Conti, L.; Rossi, G.
2023Physiological and behavioural parameters of broiler chicks grown under different heating systemsFerraz, Patrícia Ferreira Ponciano; Andrade, E. T.; Vilas Boas, R. B.; Yanagi Junior, Tadayuki; Andrade, R. R.; Becciolini, V.; Barbari, M.
2019Principal components in the study of soil and plant properties in precision coffee farmingFerraz, G. A .S.; Ferraz, P. F. P.; Martins, F. B.; Silva, F. M.; Damasceno, F. A.; Barbari, M.
2019Spatial distribution of thermal variables, acoustics and lighting in compost dairy barn with climate control systemDamasceno, F. A.; Oliveira, C. E. A; Ferraz, G. A. S; Nascimento, J. A. C; Barbari, M.; Ferraz, P. F. P. F.
2019Spatial variability of litter temperature, relative air humidity and skin temperature of chicks in a commercial broiler houseFerraz, P. F. P.; Ferraz, G. A. S.; Schiassi, L.; Nogueira, V. H. B.; Barbari, M.; Damasceno, F. A.
2019Spatial variability of soil fertility attributes and productivity in a coffee crop farmFerraz, G. A. S.; Avelar, R. C.; Bento, N. L.; Souza, F. R.; Ferraz, P. F. P.; Damasceno, F. A.; Barbari, M.