Browsing by Author Castro, Rafael Peron

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-2020Chemical prospection of moringa oil and bromatological quality of the pie from different types of grain processingAraújo, Bárbara Lemes Outeiro; Andrade, Ednilton Tavares de; Portela, Jaqueline Damiany; Castro, Rafael Peron; Castro Neto, Pedro
2023Diversity and enzymatic activity of the microbiota isolated from compost based on restaurant waste and yard trimmingsGaspar, Suelen da Silva; Assis, Lucas Lenin Resende de; Prado, Maria Paula Ramos do; Miguel, Maria Gabriela Pedroso; Ferreira, Gustavo Magno dos Reis; Schwan, Rosane Freitas; Pasqual, Moacir; Rigobelo, Everlon Cid; Castro, Rafael Peron; Buttrós, Victor Hugo; Dória, Joyce
19-Oct-2022Dynamics of microbiota and physicochemical characterization of food waste in a new type of composterGaspar, Suelen S.; Assis, Lucas L. R.; Carvalho, Carla A.; Buttrós, Victor Hugo; Ferreira, Gustavo Magno dos Reis; Schwan, Rosane F.; Pasqual, Moacir; Rodrigues, Filipe Almendagna; Rigobelo, Everlon Cid; Castro, Rafael Peron; Dória, Joyce
2021Efeito letal de óleo de moringa (Moringa oleífera Lamarck) sobre a lagarta do cartucho (Spodoptera frugiperda)Castro, Rafael Peron; Passos, Luis Clepf; Pasqual, Moacir; Carvalho, Geraldo; Favareto, Vitor; Berchembrock, Yasmin Vasques
Jun-2020Efficiency of mechanical extraction of Moringa oleifera according to different grain drying conditionsAraújo, Bárbara Lemes Outeiro; Andrade, Ednilton Tavares de; Nolasco, Kariny Carvalho Vieira; Castro, Rafael Peron; Castro Neto, Pedro
31-May-2022Moringa oleifera Lamarck: seed quality and potential uses of the leaf extract in organic agricultureCastro, Rafael Peron