Browsing by Author Félix, Marco Renan

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-2020Behavior of nitrate enzyme reductase in upland riceunder different doses and sources of nitrogenSilva, Tácio Peres da; Castro, Douglas Goulart; Alves, Natália Botega; Rosário Neto, Antônio; Félix, Marco Renan; Botelho, Flávia Barbosa Silva
Sep-2023Biofortification of upland rice using selenium-enriched urea: Evaluation of potential genotypesFélix, Marco Renan; Zauza, Stefânia Barros; Namorato, Filipe Aiura; Castro, Douglas Goulart; Martins, Fábio Aurélio Dias; Lessa, Josimar Henrique de Lima; Guilherme, Luiz Roberto Guimarães; Botelho, Flávia Barbosa Silva
Mar-2021Effect of different doses of acid milk serum on growth in rice culture and on soil chemical attributesMelo, Bruno Manoel Rezende de; Castro, Douglas Goulart; Silva, Tácio Peres da; Rosário Neto, Antonio; Félix, Marco Renan; Botelho, Flávia Barbosa Silva
2019Effects of coffee bean grounds on urochloa brizantha growthSilva, Tácio Peres da; Melo, Bruno Manoel Rezende de; Castro, Douglas Goulart; Cunha Neto, Antonio Rodrigues da; Félix, Marco Renan; Botelho, Flávia Barbosa Silva
Feb-2020Estimates of phenotypic correlations between the productivity components of upland riceCastro, Douglas Goulart; Villela, Gabriel Mendes; Silva, Tácio Peres da; Rosário Neto, Antônio; Félix, Marco Renan; Botelho, Flávia Barbosa Silva
2021Performance of upland rice strains in reaction to fungal diseasesAlves, Natália Botega; Castro, Douglas Goulart; Félix, Marco Renan; Tomé, Laís Moretti; Rosário Neto, Antônio; Botelho, Flávia Barbosa Silva
2019Selectivity of herbicides in the post-emergence sugarcane seedlings in primary selection fieldsSilva, Tácio Peres da; Moura, Amanda Mendes de; Melo, Bruno Manoel Rezende de; Castro, Douglas Goulart; Tomé, Laís Moretti; Félix, Marco Renan; Botelho, Flávia Barbosa Silva
Mar-2020Upland rice agronomic performance in response to different doses and sources of nitrogenSilva, Tácio Peres da; Castro, Douglas Goulart; Tomé, Laís Moretti; Félix, Marco Renan; Rosário Neto, Antônio; Botelho, Flavia Barbosa Silva
11-Jun-2019Variabilidade genética em linhagens de arroz para biofortificação com selênioFélix, Marco Renan