Browsing by Author Ferreira, Thaís Francielle

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Action of defense activator and foliar fungicide on the control of Asiatic rust and on yield and quality of soybean seedsCarvalho, Bruno Oliveira; Oliveira, João Almir; Carvalho, Everson Reis; Andrade, Vinícius de; Ferreira, Thaís Francielle; Reis, Leandro Vilela
2015Mn foliar sobre a qualidade sanitária e lignina de sementes de soja convencional e resistente ao glifosatoCarvalho, Everson Reis; Oliveira, João Almir; Reis, Leandro Vilela; Ferreira, Thaís Francielle
-Performance of treated seeds of different soybean cultivars in function of environments and storage periodsMavaieie, Denilson Paulo da Rosa; Carvalho, Everson Reis; Ferreira, Valquíria de Fátima; Oliveira, João Almir; Ferreira, Thaís Francielle; Reis, Leandro Vilela
22-Jun-2020Produção e qualidade de sementes de cultivares de soja trânsgenica (CP4-EPSPS, CRY1AC)Ferreira, Thaís Francielle
8-Apr-2016Qualidade de sementes de soja tratadas com inseticidas e fungicidas antes e após o armazenamentoFerreira, Thaís Francielle
Oct-2016Quality of soybean seeds treated with fungicides and insecticides before and after storageFerreira, Thaís Francielle; Oliveira, João Almir; Carvalho, Rafaela Aparecida de; Resende, Laís Sousa; Lopes, Cassiano Gabriel Moreira; Ferreira, Valquíria de Fátima
2019Sanitary quality of soybean seeds treated with fungicides and insecticides before and after storageFerreira, Thaís Francielle; Carvalho, Marcos Vinicios; Ferreira, Valquíria de Fátima; Mavaieie, Denilson Paulo da Rosa; Guimarães, Gabriel Castanheira; Oliveira, João Almir