Browsing by Author Resende, Mariana

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2020An index to evaluate the acceptance of specialty coffees in consumer groupsResende, Mariana; Cirillo, Marcelo Â.; Borém, Flávio M.
2023Feasibility of the expectation-maximization algorithm for assessing individuals with different sensory perceptions in discrimination of specialty coffeesOliveira, Larissa Karolina de; Resende, Mariana; Borém, Flávio Meira; Cirillo, Marcelo Angelo
2016Generalized estimating equations to evaluate the dependence of lifetime in confined africanized beesBrighenti, Carla Guimarães; Miranda, Yola Serpa; Resende, Mariana; Cirillo, Marcelo Angelo; Brighenti, Deodoro Magno
2021Generalized ridge estimators adapted in structural equation modelsPereira, Gislene Araujo; Resende, Mariana; Cirillo, Marcelo Ângelo
28-Sep-2022Índices de qualidade de ajuste de modelos de equações estruturais considerando repetições e tratamentos com aplicação em análise sensorial de cafésResende, Mariana
8-Apr-2016Procedimento para identificar outliers por meio da distribuição acumulada de mínimo em um modelo com resposta gamaResende, Mariana
2017Procedure to identify outliers through cumulative distribution of extremes in a gamma response modelResende, Mariana; Brighenti, Carla Regina Guimarães; Cirillo, Marcelo Ângelo
Mar-2020Proposal of a metric selection index for correspondence analysis: an application in the sensory evaluation of coffee blendsCosta, Adilson Silva da; Resende, Mariana; Nakano, Eduardo Yoshio; Cirillo, Marcelo Angelo; Borém, Flávio Meira; Ribeiro, Diego Egídio