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Title: Compreensão entre teoria e prática na implantação de atividades de lazer em unidades de conservação: re-criando caminhos
Other Titles: Understanding of theory and practice in the implementation of leisure activities in protected areas: re-creating paths
Authors: Fontes, Marco Aurélio Leite
Borém, Rosângela Alves Tristão
Silva, Sandro Fernandes da
Filetto, Ferdinando
Santos, Anderson Alves
Keywords: Teoria fundamentada em dados
Grounded theory
Plano de manejo
Management plan
Issue Date: 21-Sep-2015
Citation: VITORINO, M. R. Compreensão entre teoria e prática na implantação de atividades de lazer em unidades de conservação: re-criando caminhos. 2015. 92 p. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Florestal) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2015.
Abstract: The present study had as objective investigative understand the relation between theory (management plan-MP) and practice of public use (leisure activities-LA) in protected areas to the South of Minas Gerais State-Brazil. Due to the scarcity of data about the understanding between theory and practice in the implementation of leisure activities, it is believed that this study can guide to the discovery of regularities which will make it possible to identify categories of action, its properties and connections that will lead to the elaboration of a conceptual formulation to the implementation of leisure activities for public use, this formulation that will explain the process of the choices of these activities by heads of conservation units. The methodology used was Grounded Theory, the interview was the instrument for data collection followed by coding, categorizing and the final writing, in order to come up with a theory about the phenomenon. The emerging categories are related to the characterization, deployment and management of leisure activities, where these do not relate to the theory because it works isolated forms within the protected areas. The emerging theoretical scheme conclusive is a management plan and leisure activities: neither theory nor practice, an unsustainable model.
Appears in Collections:Engenharia Florestal - Doutorado (Teses)

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