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dc.creatorLacerda, Julian Junio de Jesus-
dc.creatorFurtini Neto, Antonio Eduardo-
dc.creatorResende, Alvaro Vilela de-
dc.creatorSantos, Jose Zilton Lopes dos-
dc.creatorCarneiro, Leandro Flavio-
dc.creatorOliveira, Cesar Henrique Caputo de-
dc.identifier.citationLACERDA, J. J. de J. et al. Crop growth response and dynamics of inorganic phosphorus fractions after application of reactive Arad phosphate rock in Oxisol with different land use histories. African Journal of Agricultural Research, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 26, p. 3454-3461, July 2013.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractAdsorbed or precipitated phosphorus can be susceptible to dissolution depending upon environmental conditions. This work evaluated both the partitioning and availability of the inorganic forms of P bound to Al, Fe and Ca in samples of a clayey Dystrophic Red Latosol (Oxisol) (DRL) with different land use history, fertilized with Arad reactive natural phosphate in Goias State, Brazil. The inorganic fractions of Al-P, Fe-P and Ca-P and the contents of Mehlich-1, ion-exchange resin, citric acid and Olsen extracted available P were determined in DRL. Plants grown in soil previously cultivated produce more beans than plants grown in soil not previously cultivated. The fractions Al-P and Fe-P represent the main inorganic forms in clayey DRL, being phosphorus availability closely related with the fraction Al-P. The distributions of the inorganic fractions of P in the soil fertilized with reactive phosphate were Fe-P = 45%, Al-P = 40% and Ca-P = 15%. The phosphorus content determined by alkaline extraction (Olsen Method) was closely related to levels of Al-P and Fe-P. On other hand, the concentrations determined by extracting acids (Mehlich-1 and citric acid) were more related to the Ca-P fraction. Fe-P and Al-P inorganic forms stocked over time with successive fertilizations in Oxisol with a history of cultivation in no-tillage may return to soil solution and provide the nutrient demand of plants.pt_BR
dc.publisherAcademic Journalspt_BR
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.sourceAfrican Journal of Agricultural Researchpt_BR
dc.subjectSoils – State of Goiás, Brazil – Cerradopt_BR
dc.subjectPlants – Effect of phosphoruspt_BR
dc.subjectPhosphorus fertilizationpt_BR
dc.subjectPhosphorus fractionationpt_BR
dc.subjectSolos – Goiás (Estado) – Cerradopt_BR
dc.subjectPlantas – Efeito do fósforopt_BR
dc.subjectAdubação fosfatadapt_BR
dc.subjectFracionamento de fósforopt_BR
dc.titleCrop growth response and dynamics of inorganic phosphorus fractions after application of reactive Arad phosphate rock in Oxisol with different land use historiespt_BR
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