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Título: A formação inicial de professores no contexto da divulgação de ciências em um museu de história natural universitário
Título(s) alternativo(s): Initial teacher education in the context of disclosure of science in a museum of natural history university
Palavras-chave: Formação de professores
Espaços não formais de educação
Divulgação em ciências
Museus de história natural
Teacher training
Non-formal educational spaces
Dissemination of science
Museums of natural history
Data do documento: 2014
Editor: Associação Amigos da Natureza da Alta Paulista
Citação: MELO, J. S. A. de.; FERREIRA, L. N.; NASCIMENTO JUNIOR, A. F. A formação inicial de professores no contexto da divulgação de ciências em um museu de história natural universitário. Fórum Ambiental da Alta Paulista, [Tupã], v. 10, n. 6, p. 159-172, 2014.
Resumo: This work refers to the actions of scientific dissemination and training of teachers held at the Museum of Natural History (MNH) of the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA). The activity under investigation is a didactic proposal for teaching chemistry that explores the collection of this museum. The objectives of this study were to develop a differentiated teaching practice within a MSH to promote the teaching and dissemination of the contents of Chemistry, besides investigating which formative contribution was given to undergraduates involved, who spent part of their supervised training events held in this space non-formal education. As a result, participants of this activity developed a differentiated pedagogical practice entitled "Detectives in the museum - Investigating the question : what is it made our planet" Accordingly, there was confirmation of the hypothesis concerning contributions to initial teacher training , since the participation of undergraduates in the planning and implementation of educational activities in a science museum allowed the graduate students the opportunity to complement their training explored by a non- formal teaching space . Called attention to an interesting fact that can be seen in this and other reports. The experiences of teacher education in non-formal educational spaces such as museums science centers and cultural centers, although they are rare in our country, are rich and have contributed to the initial training of teachers.
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