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Title: Aspectos Institucionais da Inovação: Uma Análise Acerca dos Regimes Automotivos Brasileiros de 1995 e 2012
Other Titles: Institutional Aspects of Innovation: An Analysis of the 1995 and 2012 Brazilian Automotive Regimes
Keywords: Inovação
Indústria Automobilística
Issue Date: 22-Nov-2013
Citation: MESQUITA, D. L. et al. Aspectos institucionais da inovação: uma análise acerca dos regimes automotivos brasileiros de 1995 e 2012. In: CONGRESSO DE GESTÃO DE TECNOLOGIA LATINO-IBEROAMERICANO, 15., 2013, Porto. Anais... Porto: ALTEC, 2013. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 22 nov. 2013.
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to analyze elements presented on the two Brazilian Automotive Regimes, verifying its main objectives and the way they legitimate or not aspects relative to innovative practices in the Brazilian automotive industry. In this sense, a documental research was conducted, analyzing laws and decrees that created the two regulation programs, and other documents related to the theme. We observed that rules of both regimes have been shaping the actions of the Brazilian automotive industry, conducting processes of incremental innovation (in Inovar-Auto/2012 case) and of new markets creation (in the 1995 regime), with the common purpose of gaining economic and competitive outcomes for the Brazilian automotive industry. In the two regimes we identified aspects of normative and coercitive isomorphisms.
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