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dc.creatorSousa, Patrícia Ferreira Cunha-
dc.identifier.citationSOUSA, P. F. C. Identificação molecular e indução de télia no patossistema Phakopsora pachyrhizi-soja. 2005. 54 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia/Fitopatologia)-Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2005.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] crops currently cultivated present significant differences its ancestrals, originated in Asian east region. With the extension of cultivating areas of that leguminous the soybean rust became a serious problem to the farmers. That disease is caused by two species: Phakopsora pachyrhizi, the "Asian" and to P. meiborniae, the "American". P. pachyrhizi is known by reducing the production drastically and its fast expansion has been causing severe losses in the field, meaning that such pathogen is one of the most destructive to soybean with impact in the soybean production in Brazil and in the world. Due to the lack of information on the species causing soybean rust in Brazil and Minas Gerais State, this work had as objective to characterize soybean rust uredospores, in leaves collected in producing areas in the State of Minas Gerais by molecular methods also to study the induction of the telia by this pathogen on different temperatures. The molecular characterization done through PCR with the specific primers Ppml/Ppa2 for P. pachyrhizi and Ppml/Pme2 for P. meibomiae, showed that all the 86 samples collected in the State of Minas Gerais were of the species P. pachyrhizi. For the induction of the telia 3 differents growth chambers with temperatures of 10°C, 15°C and 20°C and two cultivate of soybean, Pintado and Uirapuru were used. The plants were inoculated 30 days after sown and after 7 days of the inoculation they were placed in the growth chamber with the mentioned temperatures. The evaluations had beginning after 15 days transference for each camera, the observations were made in microscope stereoscope every five days, and for any lesion suspects it was made cuts in table microtome, and analyzed in light microscope. At 25 days after started the readings was observed telias in leaves from growth chamber with 15°C in the cultivar Uirapuru, and to the 30 days in cultivar Pintado, respectively. It was confirmed with fine cuts of the fresh material and observation to the light microscope with increase of 400x and scanning electron microscope two types of telia were observed, one round-elliptical with width of 77 gm and length of 35.25 gm and apical layer of 1.42 gm, on cultivar Uirapuru, the other type measuring 127.33 gm of width and 41.33 itm length with apical layer of 1.9 gm of the cultivar Pintado. The shape of the teliospore also varied among the cultivars, in the cultivar Pintado slave shape spores were more frequent measuring 6.97 gm of width and 14.91 prn of length. In the cultivar Uirapuru teliospores were rounder with size 7.02 gm x 10.02 grn of length.pt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Lavraspt_BR
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.subjectDoença fúngicapt_BR
dc.titleIdentificação molecular e indução de télia no patossistema Phakopsora pachyrhizi-sojapt_BR
dc.publisher.programPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Fitopatologiapt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor1Castro, Hilário Antônio de-
dc.contributor.referee1Alves, Eduardo-
dc.contributor.referee2Souza, Ricardo Magela de-
dc.contributor.referee3Souza, Sara Maria Chalfoun de-
dc.description.resumoA soja [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] hoje cultivada e muito diferente de seus ancestrais, que eram plantas rasteiras, originadas do !este Asiatic°. Corn a extensao das areas de cultivo dessa leguminosa, a ferrugern da soja tornou-se urn seri° problema a cultura. Essa doenca a causada por duas especies: Phakopsora pachyrhizi, a -Asiatica" e P. meibomiae, a "Americana". P pachyrhizi 6 conhecida por reduzir drasticamente os rendimentos de producao e sua rapida expansao esta causando perdas severas no campo, fazendo deste patogeno foliar o mais destrutivo dentre os que infectam a soja, corn irnpacto na producao de soja no Brasil e no mundo. Devido a faita de informacOes precisas sobre as especies causadoras de ferrugem da soja no Brasil e no estado de Minas Gerais, este trabalho teve comp objetivo caracterizar uredinidsporos de ferrugem da soja, em folhas coletadas nas regieies produtoras no estado de Minas Gerais por metodos moleculares e tambem estudar a inducao de telia por este patogeno em diferentes temperaturas. A caracterizacao molecular feita por meio de PCR corn os "primers" especificos Ppml/Ppa2 para P. pachyrhizi e PpmliPme2 para P. meibomiae, mostrou que todas as 86 amostras coletadas no estado de Minas Gerais foram da especie P. pachyrhizi. Para a inducao de telia foram usadas We's diferentes camaras de crescimento vegetal corn temperaturas: de 10°C, 15°C e 20°C e duas cultivares de soja, Pintado e Uirapuru. As plantas foram inoculadas aos 30 dias apas plantio e, apOs sete dias foram colocadas na camara de crescimento vegetal corn as temperaturas citadas. As leituras tiveram inicio apds 15 dias da transferencia das plantas para cada camara. As observacEtes foram feitas em microscopio estereoscdpio a cada cinco dias e, para qualquer lesao suspeita, eram feitos cartes em microtorno de mesa e analisados em microscopio de luz. Aos 25 dias apps o inicio das leituras houve, o aparecimento de telia na camara de crescimento a 15°C na cultivar Uirapuru, e aos 30 dias na cultivar Pintado, respectivamente, confirmada corn cartes finos do material fresco e observacao ao microscopio de luz corn aumento de 400x e microscopio eletronico de varredura. Observaram-se dois tipos de telias, tendo as arredondadas a elipticas corn espessura media de e comprimento de 35,2511m, e camada apical de 1,42gm, predominaram na cultivar Uirapuru e as alongadas corn espessura media de 127,33gm e comprimento de 41,33pm. e camada apical de 1,9pm predominado na cultivar Pintado. 4 formato dos teliosporos tambdrn variou entre as cultivares, havendo predominancia do formato mais clavado na cultivar Pintado, corn medidas de 6,97gm de largura e 14,91pm de comprimento e urn formato mais arredondado no cultivar Uirapuru corn 7,02p.m x 10,02gm de comprimento.pt_BR
dc.publisher.departmentDepartamento de Agriculturapt_BR
Appears in Collections:Agronomia/Fitopatologia - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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