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Título: Caracterização física, química e fisiológica de gabiroba (Campomanesia pubescens) durante o desenvolvimento
Título(s) alternativo(s): Physical, chemical and physiological characterization of gabiroba fruit (Campomanesia pubescens) during its development
Palavras-chave: Gabiroba - Desenvolvimento
Gabiroba - Crescimento
Gabiroba - Maturação
Frutos do cerrado
Gabiroba fruit - Development
Gabiroba fruit - Growth
Gabiroba fruit - Maturation
Savanna fruit
Data do documento: Out-2009
Editor: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos
Citação: SILVA, E. P. da et al. Caracterização física, química e fisiológica de gabiroba (Campomanesia pubescens) durante o desenvolvimento. Food Science and Technology, Campinas, v. 29, n. 4, p. 803-809, out./dez. 2009.
Resumo: The objective of this work was to characterize the gabiroba fruit (Campomanesia pubescens) during its development through physical, chemical, and biochemical analyses. The fruits were harvested 8 km off the city of Lavras, south of Minas Gerais, Brazil every 5 days from anthesis until complete maturation. The flowering of the gabiroba started in August and its maximum was in September, when the early fructification occurred although October is the ideal period to harvest. The period between flowers opening (anthesis) until ripening lasted 63 days (9 weeks). The fruit reached its maximum size at 63 days (9th week) after anthesis, with 4,26 g, 17,39 mm and 16,03 mm, representing its mass and longitudinal and transversal diameters, respectively. The gabiroba fruit presented a significant increase of mass, longitudinal and transversal diameters, L* and a* values, vitamin C, total sugar, soluble solids and soluble pectin, during its development showing a simple sigmoidal behaviour. It was observed a decrease in the respiration rate and polygalacturonase activity between 48 and 53 days, as well as reduction in the firmness, total chlorophyll, and oscillation in the b* value and total pectin during the development of the fruit.
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