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dc.creatorRamos, Mariana Figueira-
dc.creatorRibeiro, Diego Egídio-
dc.creatorCirillo, Marcelo Ângelo-
dc.creatorBorém, Flávio Meira-
dc.identifier.citationRAMOS, M. F. et al. Discrimination of the sensory quality of the Coffea arabica L. (cv. Yellow Bourbon) produced in different altitudes using decision trees obtained by the CHAID method. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, [S.l.], v. 96, n. 10, p. 3543-3551, Aug. 2016.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractBACKGROUND Knowledge of the sensory profile of coffee quality, associated with genetic and environmental factors, is of utmost importance for the international market, as well as for the productive sector. In this context, the goal of this study was to classify the quality of Coffea arabica L., cv. Yellow Bourbon, according to different scores obtained through sensory evaluations based on the Specialty Coffee Association of America protocol (SCAA), and by means of decision trees resulting from applying the CHAID method (chi‐square automatic interaction detection). To that end, we used a database with the sensory characteristics of cv. Yellow Bourbon and the environmental characteristics of the Mantiqueira de Minas region, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. RESULTS The method used exhibited promising results regarding accuracy and success rates in order to discriminate coffee sensory quality as a function of the production environment. The results obtained clearly show the effect of the coffee growing environment on the Yellow Bourbon variety, resulting in notable sensory differences in the beverage. CONCLUSION It was possible to discriminate cv. Yellow Bourbon coffee samples, the sensory evaluations of which resulted in scores of ≥88 points, which are associated with growing environments at altitudes of ≥1200 m. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industrypt_BR
dc.sourceJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculturept_BR
dc.subjectDecision treept_BR
dc.subjectSpecialty coffeespt_BR
dc.subjectArabica coffeept_BR
dc.subjectSensory attributespt_BR
dc.titleDiscrimination of the sensory quality of the Coffea arabica L. (cv. Yellow Bourbon) produced in different altitudes using decision trees obtained by the CHAID methodpt_BR
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DES - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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