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Resultado 21-30 de 65.
Conjunto de itens:
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
26-Jan-2021A lazy feature selection method for multi-label classificationPereira, Rafael B.; Plastino, Alexandre; Zadrozny, Bianca; Merschmann, Luiz H. C.
4-Out-2021A systematic literature review on virtual machine consolidationDias, Alexandre H. T.; Correia, Luiz. H. A.; Malheiros, Neumar
2021O uso de técnicas de estatística clássica na identificação da sazonalidade em séries temporais: o caso da demanda de energia elétrica no Rio Grande do SulPereira, Tuane P.; Mattos, Viviane L. D. de; Konrath, Andrea C.; Bornia, Antonio Cezar; Nakamura, Luiz R.; Vargas, Vera do Carmo C. de
2021Construction of the average variance extracted index for construct validation in structural equation models with adaptive regressionsSantos, Patricia Mendes dos; Cirillo, Marcelo Ângelo
2021Comparison between highly complex location models and GAMLSSRamires, Thiago G.; Nakamura, Luiz R.; Righetto, Ana J.; Carvalho, Renan J.; Vieira, Lucas A.; Pereira, Carlos A. B.
Jun-2021Time-weighted dynamic time warping analysis for mapping interannual cropping practices changes in large-scale agro-industrial farms in Brazilian CerradoChaves, Michel E. D.; Alves, Marcelo de C.; Sáfadi, Thelma; Oliveira, Marcelo S. de; Picoli, Michelle C. A.; Simoes, Rolf E. O.; Mataveli, Guilherme A. V.
2-Jun-2021Unconventional low-temperature features in the one-dimensional frustrated-state Potts modelPanov, Yury; Rojas, Onofre
Mai-2021Proposition and validation of multivariate tests of independence between two groups of variablesMiranda, Vânia F. L.; Alves, Henrique J. P.; Ferreira, Daniel F.
8-Jun-2021Effect of glycerol on electrical conducting of chitosan/polyaniline blendsOliveira, Ana Carolina Salgado de; Santos, Taline Amorim; Ugucioni, Julio Cesar; Rocha, Roney Alves da; Borges, Soraia Vilela
2021The Modular Isomorphism Problem for two generated groups of class twoBroche, Osnel; Río, Ángel del