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dc.creatorSimioni, Síntia Carla Corrêa-
dc.creatorRibeiro, Michele Nayara-
dc.creatorSouza, Vanessa Rios de-
dc.creatorNunes, Cleiton Antônio-
dc.creatorPinheiro, Ana Carla Marques-
dc.identifier.citationSIMIONI, S. C. C. et al. Multiple-sip temporal dominance of sensations associated with acceptance test: a study on special beers. Journal of Food Science and Technology, Mysore, v. 55, n. 3, p. 1164-1174, Mar. 2018.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractIn this study, we proposed the use of a multiple-sip temporal dominance of sensations (TDS) test alongside with an acceptance test over repeated consumption for the analysis of special beers, with the aim of contributing to a deeper understanding of consumer behavior regarding temporal descriptions and sensory acceptance. Consumers of special beers sequentially evaluated six sips of a particular type of beer by TDS analysis and an acceptance test was performed for each sip. Four different kinds of specialty beers were evaluated [Bohemian Pilsner (BP), Witbier (WB), Belgian Strong Ale Dubbel (BD), and Russian Imperial Stout (RS)]. In general, the descriptive profile of beers varied temporally, i.e., there was an increased dominance of bitterness and a decreased dominance of fruity, floral, toffee, and coffee attributes. Concurrently, a reduction in sensory acceptance with an increased number of sips, especially the last sip, was observed in two kinds of beers that possessed a strong flavor, BD and RS. BP and WB presented smooth attributes and low notable characteristics, which could have contributed to the maintenance of the acceptance grades as the number of sips increased. The combination of TDS and acceptance over repeated sips can be useful for obtaining detailed descriptions of products that are closer to real time consumption by consumers, and thus aids in ensuring good product performance once released. The information obtained can also help product development scientists to fine-tune product formulations and ensure acceptability.pt_BR
dc.sourceJournal of Food Science and Technologypt_BR
dc.subjectRepeated consumptionpt_BR
dc.subjectSensory acceptancept_BR
dc.subjectTemporal descriptionpt_BR
dc.subjectTemporal dominance of sensationspt_BR
dc.subjectConsumo repetidopt_BR
dc.subjectAceitação sensorialpt_BR
dc.subjectDescrição temporalpt_BR
dc.subjectDominância temporal das sensaçõespt_BR
dc.titleMultiple-sip temporal dominance of sensations associated with acceptance test: a study on special beerspt_BR
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