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Título: Efeito da pré-exaustão do tríceps braquial na atividade eletromiográfica das porções esternal e clavicular do peitoral maior e deltóide anterior durante o supino inclinado
Título(s) alternativo(s): Effect of brachial triceps pre-exhaustion on the electromyographic activity of the sternal and clavicular portions of the pectoral major and anterior deltoid during the inclined bench press
Palavras-chave: Treinamento de força
Strength training
Data do documento: 2018
Editor: Desafio Singular
Citação: CAMPOS, Y. A. et al. Efeito da pré-exaustão do tríceps braquial na atividade eletromiográfica das porções esternal e clavicular do peitoral maior e deltóide anterior durante o supino inclinado. Motricidade, Vila Real, v. 14, n. S1, p. 192-202, 2018. II Congresso Internacional Interdisciplinar de Saúde, Desporto e Pedagogia do Movimento - SINErGIA II, 2017, João Pessoa/PB. DOI: 10.6063/motricidade.14610.
Resumo: The primary objective of the study was to evaluate whether different time of intervals between skull crushers and inclined bench press exercises during two pre-exhaustion (PE) protocols could modify the EMG activity of the sternal portion of the pectoralis major (SPPM), clavicular portion of the pectoralis major (CPPM) and anterior deltoid (AD) during the inclined bench press. As a secondary object ive, a comparison of the EMG activity of the muscles evaluated during the incline bench press was performed between the pre-exhaustion 1 (PE1) and pre-exhaustion 2 (PE2) protocols. Thirteen healthy men experienced in strength training (ST) participated in the study. For the main test sessions, participants were randomized to collect EMG activity at different rest intervals between exercises: (a) immediately (PE1 - skull crushers + inclined bench press), and (b) with rest interval of 60 s (PE2 - skull crushers + rest interval + inclined bench press). Between 8 and 12 maximal repetitions were performed during 3 sets, using 1 s for the concentric phase and 2 s for the eccentric phase. Our results indicated that the transition time between exercises, immediately (PE1) and rest interval (PE2) did not change the EMG activity of the muscles evaluated, with no differences between the protocols. On the other hand, the significant difference between the sets in both protocols demonstrated that the brachial triceps PE was able to increase the EMG activity of SPPM, CPPM and AD during the inclined bench press.
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