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Título: Biomarcadores salivares na avaliação de estresse metabólico de praticantes recreativos da corrida de orientação
Título(s) alternativo(s): Salivary biomarkers in evaluation of metabolic stress of recreational practitioners of orienteering
Palavras-chave: Alfa-amilase
Proteína total
Total proteins
Data do documento: 2016
Editor: Universidade Federal do Maranhão
Citação: GOMES, M. K. M. et al. Biomarcadores salivares na avaliação de estresse metabólico de praticantes recreativos da corrida de orientação. Revista Brasileira de Prescrição e Fisiologia do Exercício, São Paulo, v. 10, n. 60. p. 478-485, jul./ago. 2016.
Resumo: The objective of this study was to evaluate the response of Salivary Biomarkers (Total Proteins and Alpha-Amylase) after orienteering. Sixteen volunteers participated in the study of both sexes. The volunteers performed the orienteering with a length of 2.4 Km divided into 16 control points to saliva was collected at the beginning and end of the orienteering. Both concentrations of salivary biomarkers were performed by commercial clinical analysis. The results after the orienteering showed that the concentration of Alpha-Amylase remained elevated at the end of the orienteering. The Total Proteins concentrations had increased, but with no significant difference. In conclusion, the metabolic stress generated by the guidance sport was able to induce changes in salivary amylase concentrations at the end of the orienteering, but not the Total Proteins concentrations.
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