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Título: A materialidade do brinquedo e a expropriação capitalista dos espaços para brincar
Título(s) alternativo(s): The materiality of the toy and the capitalist expropriation of spaces to play
Palavras-chave: Brinquedos e brincadeiras
Expropriação capitalista
Espaços para brincar
Toys and games
Capitalist expropriation
Spaces to play
Data do documento: 2019
Editor: Universidade Federal da Paraíba
Citação: RODRIGUES, L. A.; FARIAS, M. N. A materialidade do brinquedo e a expropriação capitalista dos espaços para brincar. Problemata: International Journal of Philosophy, João Pessoa, v. 10, n. 4, p. 360-371, 2019.
Resumo: This essay proposes a discussion about the materiality of toys which occupy the physical and social spaces still existing and destined to play the of children in a city of the countryside of a Brazilian State. Accompanied by Walter Benjamin's understanding of which the toy condenses in its materiality a silent dialogue between adults and children, the essay problematizes the occupation of free spaces to play with for enormous and inflatable toys and temporary benefits offered to children. From this problematization, it identifies to the absence of permanent infantile parks in this same city and argues such absence from the marxist reflections concerning the dissociação that inaugurates and reinaugura constantly the capitalism: the decoupling of the producer and its means of production. It concludes that the expropriation of the space of playing and the intermittent and inflated shape of the toys offered for children are expressions of a process that educates children very early, of a side, they not attaching it the definitive means of production and, of another side, if delivering to the virtual space without greater resistence to the movement that leads the permanence of capital.
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DEF - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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