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dc.creatorOliveira, S. L. G. de-
dc.creatorKischinhevsky, M.-
dc.creatorBurgarelli, D.-
dc.identifier.citationOLIVEIRA, S. L. G. de; KISCHINHEVSKY, M.; BURGARELLI, D. Finite Volume adaptive mesh refinement based on graph applied to the Boundary Layer Problem. IEEE Latin America Transactions, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 1, p. 102-108, Mar. 2011.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractIn Physics and Fluid Mechanics, the Boundary Layer is a fluid layer in the neighborhood of a surface. This phenomena is important in many disciplines, mainly in aerodynamics. This paper presents a two-dimensional numerical simulation of this problem considering a incompressible laminar flux in steady state with non-slip condition. A adaptive mesh refinement is carried out by the Autonomous Leaves Graph (ALG) with finite volume discretizations. The Modified Hilbert Curve is implemented to traverse and provide the total ordering of the finite volumes that compose the domain. The numerical solution of the flat plate problem is compared with the Blasius Solution. Besides, flux simulations are presented around a airfoil NACA four digits. The results show evidences that the scheme is adequate in terms of performance and accuracy.pt_BR
dc.publisherIEEE Explorept_BR
dc.sourceIEEE Latin America Transactionspt_BR
dc.subjectFinite volume methodpt_BR
dc.subjectBoundary layer problempt_BR
dc.subjectAdaptive mesh refinementpt_BR
dc.subjectHilbert space filling curvept_BR
dc.subjectMétodo de volume finitopt_BR
dc.subjectProblema de camada limitept_BR
dc.subjectRefinamento de malha adaptávelpt_BR
dc.subjectCurva de preenchimento do espaço de Hilbertpt_BR
dc.titleFinite Volume adaptive mesh refinement based on graph applied to the Boundary Layer Problempt_BR
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