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Título : Revisiting ‘The Plague’ by Camus: shaping the ‘social absurdity’ of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Autor: Banerjee, Debanjan
Rao, T. S.Sathyanarayana
Kallivayalil, Roy Abraham
Javed, Afzal
Palavras-chave: COVID-19
The Plague
Publicador: Elsevier
Data da publicação: Dez-2020
Referência: BANERJEE, D. et al. Revisiting ‘The Plague’ by Camus: shaping the ‘social absurdity’ of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, [S.l.], v. 54, Dec. 2020.
Abstract: COVID-19 has emerged as a global health threat. The catastrophic reaction to a pandemic in spite of knowing the deadly outcomes, has been referred to as the 'social absurdity’. Such reaction creates a negativistic outlook with regard to the infection, thus contributing to chaos and preventing containment. In this article, the current pandemic of COVID-19 is revisited through the lens of Camus' ‘La Peste, 1947′. The philosophical roots of social ‘absurdity’ during a pandemic are critically discussed in the context of death anxiety. Subsequently, ways of reshaping it are highlighted, borrowing from the theories of existentialism and positive psychology.
Idioma: en_US
Aparece nas coleções:FCS - Artigos sobre Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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