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Results 1-10 of 35 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-2020Masks and thermometers: paramount measures to stop the rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the United StatesWu, Erxi; Qi, Dan
Apr-2020Risk communication during COVID-19Abrams, Elissa M.; Greenhawt, Matthew
2020COVID-19 faecal-oral transmission: are we asking the right questions?Heller, Léo; Mota, César R.; Greco, Dirceu B.
2020(In)Segurança alimentar no contexto da pandemia por SARS-CoV-2Oliveira, Tatiana Coura; Abranches, Monise Viana; Lana, Raquel Martins
Apr-2020COVID-19 Outbreak: an OverviewCiotti, Marco; Angeletti, Silvia; Minieri, Marilena; Giovannetti, Marta; Pascarella, Stefano; Sagnelli, Caterina; Bianchi, Martina; Bernardini, Sergio; Ciccozzi, Massimo
2020Internet of things (IoT) applications to fight against COVID-19 pandemicSingh, Ravi Pratap; Javaid, Mohd; Haleem, Abid; Suman, Rajiv
May-2020Why all COVID-19 Hospitals should have Mental Health Professionals: The importance of mental health in a worldwide crisis!Grover, Sandeep; Dua, Devakshi; Sahoo, Swapnajeet; Mehra, Aseem; Nehra, Ritu; Chakrabarti, Subho
Jun-2020Handling the COVID-19 pandemic: proposing a community based toolkit for psycho-social management and preparednessBanerjee, Debanjan; Nair, Vasundharaa S.
2020Regulatory consideration on preparation and clinical use of COVID-19 convalescent plasmaSoner, Yılmaz; Nigar, Ertuğrul Örüç; Alpay, Azap; Osman, Özcebe; Türker, Çetin; İdil, Yenicesu; Abdullah, Öztürk; Mehmet, Gündüz; Ahmet, Tekin
Aug-2020COVID-19 faecal-oral transmission: are we asking the right questions?Heller, Léo; Mota, César R.; Greco, Dirceu B.