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Resultado 391-400 de 6385.
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Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
Mar-2017Flowers of Apiaceous species as sources of pollen for adults of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) (Neuroptera)Resende, André Luis S.; Souza, Brígida; Ferreira, Roberta B.; Aguiar-Menezes, Elen L.
Fev-2017Rearing chrysoperla externa larvae on artificial dietsBezerra, C. E. S.; Amaral, B. B.; Souza, Brígida
2021Soybean leaf age and plant stage influence expression of resistance to velvetbean caterpillar and fall armywormSouza, Bruno H. S.; Costa, Eduardo N.; Ribeiro, Zulene A.; Perlatti, Bruno; Cruz, Mara C. P.; Forim, Moacir R.; Boiça Júnior, Arlindo L.; Stout, Michael J.
Nov-2018Pollen as a component of the diet of Doru luteipes (Scudder, 1876) (Dermaptera: Forficulidade)Marucci, R. C.; Souza, I. L.; Silva, L. O.; Auad, A. M.; Mendes, S. M.
Jul-2022Spodoptera eridania (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): first report on Amaranthus hybridus (Amaranthaceae) in BrazilResende, Laís S.; Figueiredo, Karolina G.; Souza, Bruno H. S. de; Carvalho, Vinícius C.; Carvalho, Geraldo A.; Presoto, Jéssica C.; Nicolai, Marcelo; Christoffoleti, Pedro J.
Nov-2019Interactions between white mealybugs and red spider mites sequentially colonizing coffee plantsPeñaflor, Maria Fernanda G. V.; Andrade, Fernanda M.; Sales, Lara; Silveira, Erika C.; Santa‐Cecília, Lenira V. C.
2020Behavioral response of the generalist predator Orius insidiosus to single and multiple herbivory by two cell content-feeding herbivores on rose plantsSousa, Ana Luiza V.; Silva, Diego B.; Silva, Guilherme G.; Bento, José Mauricio S.; Penãflor, Maria Fernanda G. V.; Souza, Brígida
Out-2017Optimization of methodology for rearing Spodoptera albula on artificial dietDi Bello, M. M.; Souza, B. H. S.; Ribeiro, Nogueira Z. A.; Eduardo, W. I.; Boiça Júnior, A. L.
1-Jun-2014Cerambycidae associated with hybrid Eucalyptus urograndis and native vegetation in Carbonita, Minas Gerais state, BrazilSantos, Alexandre; Zanetti, Ronald; Almado, Roosevelt P.; Zanuncio, José C.
Jun-2019Response of field populations and Cry-resistant strains of fall armyworm to Bt maize hybrids and Bt-based bioinsecticidesSouza, C. S. F.; Silveira, L. C. P.; Pitta, R. M.; Waquil, J. M.; Pereira, E. J. G.; Mendes, S. M.