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dc.creatorVasconcelos, Gisvani Lopes de-
dc.creatorCunha, Ellen Vasconcelos da-
dc.creatorMaculan, Renata-
dc.creatorSánchez Viafara, Jesús Alfonso-
dc.creatorSilva, Anderson Weiny Barbalho-
dc.creatorBatista, Ana Liza Souza-
dc.creatorSilva, José Roberto Viana-
dc.creatorSouza, José Camisão de-
dc.identifier.citationVASCONCELOS, G. L. de et al. Effects of vulvar width and antral follicle count on oocyte quality, in vitro embryo production and pregnancy rate in Bos taurus taurus and Bos taurus indicus cows. Animal Reproduction Science, [S. I.], v. 217, Jun. 2020. DOI:
dc.description.abstractIt was hypothesized that Brahman cows have greater in vitro embryo production than Simmental cows, and that regardless of breed, antral follicle count (AFC) and vulvar width (VW) are positively associated with oocyte quality, embryo number and pregnancy rate. Brahman (Bos taurus indicus, n = 184) and Simmental (Bos taurus taurus, n = 99) cows were classified as having a large AFC (Brahman: ≥50, Simmental: ≥25); intermediate AFC (Brahman: >30 and ≤49; Simmental: >16 and <24) and small AFC (Brahman: <30, Simmental: ≤15). The VW was considered to be large (Brahman: >123 mm, Simmental: >80 mm); intermediate (Brahman: >102 mm and ≤123 mm; Simmental: >65 mm and ≤80 mm) and small (Brahman: ≤102 mm and Simmental: ≤65 mm). For each group of cows, ovum pick up, oocyte in vitro maturation, fertilization and embryo culture were performed. Embryo transfers were subsequently performed and pregnancy rate was evaluated. Brahman cows had a larger number of viable oocytes, greater efficiency of embryo production and greater pregnancy rate (P < 0.05) than Simmental cows. Pregnancy percentages in Simmental cows with a small AFC were greater than those cows with an intermediate and large AFC. With the Brahman cows, there was no difference in pregnancy rate among the cows with different AFC classifications. In contrast to Simmental cows, Brahman cows with an intermediate VW had a greater pregnancy percentage than those with a small and large AFC. In conclusion, Brahman cows have a larger AFC, number of viable oocytes, and pregnancy rate than Simmental cows.pt_BR
dc.sourceAnimal Reproduction Sciencept_BR
dc.subjectAntral follicle countpt_BR
dc.subjectVulvar widthpt_BR
dc.subjectOocyte qualitypt_BR
dc.subjectEmbryo productionpt_BR
dc.subjectFolículos antrais - Contagempt_BR
dc.subjectLargura vulvarpt_BR
dc.subjectOócitos - Qualidadept_BR
dc.subjectBovinos - Taxa de prenhezpt_BR
dc.subjectEmbriões - Produçãopt_BR
dc.titleEffects of vulvar width and antral follicle count on oocyte quality, in vitro embryo production and pregnancy rate in Bos taurus taurus and Bos taurus indicus cowspt_BR
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