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Título: As experiências formativas do PIBID de Biologia desenvolvidas no estágio supervisionado de licenciatura: uma análise da própria prática
Título(s) alternativo(s): The formative experiences of the Biology PIBID developed in the supervised stage of licensing: An analysis of the own practice
Las experiencias formativas de la Biología PIBID desarrolladas en la etapa supervisada de licenciamiento: un análisis de la práctica propia
Palavras-chave: Formação Inicial
Iniciação a Docência
Estágio Supervisionado
Initial Training
Teaching Initiation
Supervised Internship
Data do documento: 2021
Editor: Faculdade Sul Fluminense
Citação: SILVA, B. C. H.; GONÇALVES, L. V.; NASCIMENTO JUNIOR, A. F. As experiências formativas do PIBID de Biologia desenvolvidas no estágio supervisionado de licenciatura: uma análise da própria prática. Revista Valore, Volta Redonda, v. 6, p. 224-235, 2021. Edição Especial. DOI:
Resumo: Over time, the importance of initial teacher education has been increasingly recognized and valued. The Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBID), a program where undergraduate students have the opportunity to experience their school routine, has important contributions to this training. In this work we will do an analysis of own practice in a school in the municipality of Lavras, where, during the supervised internship, classes from a two-month term were taught to students in the 2nd year of high school. The activities were developed from the experiences and knowledge acquired in the PIBID of Biology at UFLA. Each class was reported and subsequently analyzed. As a result, we found themes considered by the literature to be of quality training. Therefore, we believe that the experiences of PIBID were significant for the formation of the scholarship holder.
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