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dc.creatorAdelino, José Ricardo Pires-
dc.creatorHeringer, Gustavo-
dc.creatorDiagne, Christophe-
dc.creatorCourchamp, Franck-
dc.creatorFaria, Lucas Del Bianco-
dc.creatorZenni, Rafael Dudeque-
dc.identifier.citationADELINO, J. R. P. et al. The economic costs of biological invasions in Brazil: a first assessment. NeoBiota, [S.l.], v. 67, p. 349-374, July 2021. DOI: 10.3897/neobiota.67.59185.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractBiological invasions are one of the leading causes of global environmental change and their impacts can affect biodiversity, ecosystem services, human health and the economy. Yet, the understanding on the impacts of invasive alien species is still limited and mostly related to alien species outbreaks and losses in agricultural yield, followed by the understanding of the ecological impacts on natural systems. Notably, the economic impacts of biological invasions have rarely been quantified. Brazil has at least 1214 known alien species from which 460 are recognized as invasive alien species. Still, there are no comprehensive estimates of the cost of their impact and management. Here, we aimed at filling this gap by providing a comprehensive estimate of the economic cost of biological invasions in Brazil. In order to quantify these costs for species, ecosystems and human well-being we used the InvaCost database which is the first global compilation of the economic costs of biological invasions. We found that Brazil reportedly spent a minimum of USD 105.53 billions over 35 years (1984–2019), with an average spent of USD 3.02 (± 9.8) billions per year. Furthermore, USD 104.33 billion were due to damages and losses caused by invaders, whereas only USD 1.19 billion were invested in their management (prevention, control or eradication). We also found that recorded costs were unevenly distributed across ecosystems, and socio-economic sectors, and were rarely evaluated and published. We found that the economic costs with losses and damages were substantially greater than those used for prevention, control or eradication of IAS. Since our data show costs reported in Brazil for only 16 invasive alien species, our estimates are likely a conservative minimum of the actual economic costs of biological invasions in Brazil. Taken together, they indicate that invasive alien species are an important cause of economic losses and that Brazil has mostly opted for paying for the damage incurred by biological invasions rather than investing in preventing them from happening.pt_BR
dc.publisherPensoft Publisherspt_BR
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.subjectBiological invasionspt_BR
dc.subjectEconomic costpt_BR
dc.subjectEconomic damagept_BR
dc.subjectInvasive species impactpt_BR
dc.subjectInvaCost databasept_BR
dc.subjectInvasive alien speciespt_BR
dc.subjectInvasion managementpt_BR
dc.titleThe economic costs of biological invasions in Brazil: a first assessmentpt_BR
Appears in Collections:DBI - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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