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dc.creatorSobreiro, Mariane B.-
dc.creatorCollevatti, Rosane G.-
dc.creatorSantos, Yuri L. A. dos-
dc.creatorBandeira, Ludmila F.-
dc.creatorLopes, Francis J. F.-
dc.creatorNovaes, Evandro-
dc.identifier.citationSOBREIRO, M. B. et al. RNA-Seq reveals different responses to drought in Neotropical trees from savannas and seasonally dry forests. BMC Plant Biology, [S.I.], v. 21, 463, 2021. DOI:
dc.description.abstractBackground: Water is one of the main limiting factors for plant growth and crop productivity. Plants constantly monitor water availability and can rapidly adjust their metabolism by altering gene expression. This leads to phenotypic plasticity, which aids rapid adaptation to climate changes. Here, we address phenotypic plasticity under drought stress by analyzing diferentially expressed genes (DEG) in four phylogenetically related neotropical Bignoniaceae tree species: two from savanna, Handroanthus ochraceus and Tabebuia aurea, and two from seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTF), Handroanthus impetiginosus and Handroanthus serratifolius. To the best of our knowledge, this is the frst report of an RNA-Seq study comparing tree species from seasonally dry tropical forest and savanna ecosystems. Results: Using a completely randomized block design with 4 species×2 treatments (drought and wet) ×3 blocks (24 plants) and an RNA-seq approach, we detected a higher number of DEGs between treatments for the SDTF species H. serratifolius (3153 up-regulated and 2821 down-regulated under drought) and H. impetiginosus (332 and 207), than for the savanna species. H. ochraceus showed the lowest number of DEGs, with only fve up and nine down-regulated genes, while T. aurea exhibited 242 up- and 96 down-regulated genes. The number of shared DEGs among species was not related to habitat of origin or phylogenetic relationship, since both T. aurea and H impetiginosus shared a similar number of DEGs with H. serratifolius. All four species shared a low number of enriched gene ontology (GO) terms and, in general, exhibited diferent mechanisms of response to water defcit. We also found 175 down-regulated and 255 up-regulated transcription factors from several families, indicating the importance of these master regulators in drought response. Conclusion: Our fndings show that phylogenetically related species may respond diferently at gene expression level to drought stress. Savanna species seem to be less responsive to drought at the transcriptional level, likely due to morphological and anatomical adaptations to seasonal drought. The species with the largest geographic range and widest edaphic-climatic niche, H. serratifolius, was the most responsive, exhibiting the highest number of DEG and upand down-regulated transcription factors (TF).pt_BR
dc.publisherSpringer Naturept_BR
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.sourceBMC Plant Biologypt_BR
dc.subjectDiferential gene expressionpt_BR
dc.subjectWater defcitpt_BR
dc.subjectTabebuia Alliancept_BR
dc.subjectTranscription factorspt_BR
dc.subjectExpressão gênica diferencialpt_BR
dc.subjectDéficit hídricopt_BR
dc.subjectAliança Tabebuiapt_BR
dc.subjectFatores de transcriçãopt_BR
dc.subjectFlorestas secaspt_BR
dc.titleRNA-Seq reveals different responses to drought in Neotropical trees from savannas and seasonally dry forestspt_BR
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