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Conjunto de itens:
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
Jun-2021Fungal phytopathogen modulates plant and insect responses to promote its disseminationFranco, Flávia P.; Túler, Amanda C.; Gallan, Diego Z.; Gonçalves, Felipe G.; Favaris, Arodí P.; Peñaflor, Maria Fernanda G. V.; Leal, Walter S.; Moura, Daniel S.; Bento, José Maurício S.; Silva Filho, Marcio C.
Jan-2018Attraction of Three Mirid Predators to Tomato Infested by Both the Tomato Leaf Mining Moth Tuta absoluta and the Whitefly Bemisia tabaciSilva, Diego B.; Bueno, Vanda H. P.; Van Loon, Joop J. A.; Peñaflor, Maria Fernanda G. V.; Bento, José Maurício S.; Van Lenteren, Joop C.
25-Mar-2022Colletotrichum falcatum modulates the olfactory behavior of the sugarcane borer, favoring pathogen infectionFranco, Flávia P.; Túler, Amanda C.; Gallan, Diego Z.; Gonçalves, Felipe G.; Favaris, Arodí P.; Peñaflor, Maria Fernanda G. V.; Leal, Walter S.; Moura, Daniel S.; Bento, José Maurício S.; Silva-Filho, Marcio C.
Out-2017Nocturnal herbivore-induced plant volatiles attract the generalist predatory earwig Doru luteipes ScudderNaranjo-Guevara, Natalia; Peñaflor, Maria Fernanda G. V.; Cabezas-Guerrero, Milton F.; Bento, José Maurício S.
Dez-2016The dilemma of being a fragrant flower: the major floral volatile attracts pollinators and florivores in the euglossine-pollinated orchid Dichaea pendulaNunes, Carlos E. P.; Peñaflor, Maria Fernanda G. V.; Bento, José Maurício S.; Salvador, Marcos José; Sazima, Marlies
Abr-2020Silicon-induced changes in plant volatiles reduce attractiveness of wheat to the bird cherry-oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi and attract the parasitoid Lysiphlebus testaceipesOliveira, Reinaldo Silva de; Peñaflor, Maria Fernanda Gomes Villalba; Gonçalves, Felipe G.; Sampaio, Marcus Vinicius; Korndörfer, Ana Paula; Silva, Weliton D.; Bento, José Maurício S.