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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2018Spatial and temporal distribution of enthalpy in aviary heated by industrial furnaceFerraz, Patrícia Ferreira Ponciano; Ferraz, Gabriel Araújo e Silva; Yanagi Junior, Tadayuki; Melo, Luis Fillipe Leal de; Castro, Jaqueline de Oliveira; Cecchin, Daiane
Feb-2019Geostatistical analysis of coffee leaf rust in irrigated crops and its relation to plant nutrition and soil fertilitySilva, M. G.; Pozza, E. A.; Vasco, G. B.; Freitas, A. S.; Chaves, E.; Paula, P. V. A. A.; Dornelas, G. A.; Alves, M. C.; Silva, M. L. O.; Pozza, A. A. A.
2019Spatial variability of litter temperature, relative air humidity and skin temperature of chicks in a commercial broiler houseFerraz, P. F. P.; Ferraz, G. A. S.; Schiassi, L.; Nogueira, V. H. B.; Barbari, M.; Damasceno, F. A.
Apr-2019Spatial variability of soil pH sampled by two methodologies used in precision agriculture in farms under crop rotationFerraz, Gabriel Araújo e Silva; Barbosa, Brenon Diennevan Souza; Reynaldo, Étore Francisco; Santos, Sthéfany Airane dos; Gonçalves, Jose Roberto Moreira Ribeiro; Ferraz, Patrícia Ferreira Ponciano
2019Spatial variability of soil fertility attributes and productivity in a coffee crop farmFerraz, G. A. S.; Avelar, R. C.; Bento, N. L.; Souza, F. R.; Ferraz, P. F. P.; Damasceno, F. A.; Barbari, M.
2019Geostatistics applied to evaluation of thermal conditions and noise in compost dairy barns with different ventilation systemsOliveira, Carlos Eduardo Alves; Damasceno, Flávio Alves; Ferraz, Patricia Ferreira Ponciano; Nascimento, João Antônio Costa do; Ferraz, Gabriel Araújo e Silva; Barbari, Matteo