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Resultado 1851-1860 de 2034.
Conjunto de itens:
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
2019Evaluation of behavior in piglets using digital image processingDamasceno, Flávio Alves; Soares, Cláudio Magela; Oliveira, Carlos Eduardo Alves; Damasceno, Leidimar Freire Brandão; Ferraz, Patricia Ferreira Ponciano
2019Thresholds definition in MOD13Q1 and VGT-S10 time series for coffee crop area estimation in Triângulo Mineiro/Alto ParanaíbaChaves, Michel Eustáquio Dantas; Ferreira, Elizabeth; Dantas, Antonio Augusto Aguilar
2019Stochastic estimation of potential and depleted productivity of soybean grain and oilAlambert, Marcelo Rodrigues; Umburanas, Renan Caldas; Schwerz, Felipe; Reichardt, Klaus; Dourado-Neto, Durval
2019Assessment of a low-cost solar water heating systems in farrowing facilitiesDamasceno, Flávio Alves; Osorio, J. A.; Alves Oliveira, C. E.; Ferraz, P. F. P.; Brandão, L. F.
Abr-2019Spatial variability of soil pH sampled by two methodologies used in precision agriculture in farms under crop rotationFerraz, Gabriel Araújo e Silva; Barbosa, Brenon Diennevan Souza; Reynaldo, Étore Francisco; Santos, Sthéfany Airane dos; Gonçalves, Jose Roberto Moreira Ribeiro; Ferraz, Patrícia Ferreira Ponciano
2-Mar-2021Time series analysis of the enhanced vegetation index to detect coffee crop development under different irrigation systemsSilva, Pedro A. de Azevedo; Alves, Marcelo de Carvalho; Sáfadi, Thelma; Pozza, Edson A.
2022Overlap influence in images obtained by an unmanned aerial vehicle on a digital terrain model of altimetric precisionBento, Nicole Lopes; Ferraz, Gabriel Araújo e Silva; Barata, Rafael Alexandre Pena; Santana, Lucas Santos; Barbosa, Brenon Diennevan Souza; Conti, Leonardo; Rossi, Giuseppe
2019Spatial variability of soil fertility attributes and productivity in a coffee crop farmFerraz, G. A. S.; Avelar, R. C.; Bento, N. L.; Souza, F. R.; Ferraz, P. F. P.; Damasceno, F. A.; Barbari, M.
2020Comparative economic analysis of soil sampling methods used in precision agricultureGonçalves, José Roberto M.R.; Ferraz, Gabriel A. S.; Reynaldo, Étore F.; Marin, Diego B.; Ferraz, Patrícia F. P.
2020Using sounds produced by pigs to identify thermoneutrality zones for thermal environment assessment ratiosAmaral, Pedro I. S.; Campos, Alessandro T.; Yanagi Junior, Tadayuki; Cecchin, Daiane; Leite, Evandro M.; Silva, Nhayandra C. Dias e