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Resultado 191-200 de 3864.
Conjunto de itens:
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
1-Abr-2009Two-dimensional XXZ-Ising model on a square-hexagon latticeValverde, J. S.; Rojas, Onofre; Souza, S. M. de
Fev-2009Boron and nitrogen impurities in SiC nanowiresOliveira, I. S. Santos de; Miwa, R. H.
Mar-2018Perturbative effective action for the photon in noncommutative QED2 and exactness of the Schwinger massGhasemkhani, M.; Varshovi, A. A.; Bufalo, Rodrigo
Jan-2022Examining the land leveling impacts on the physical quality of lowland soils in Southern BrazilFuentes-Guevara, Miguel David; Armindo, Robson André; Timm, Luís Carlos; Faria, Lessandro Coll
2018Tunable magnetism and spin-polarized electronic transport in graphene mediated by molecular functionalization of extended defectsOliveira, J. B. de; Oliveira, I. S. S. de; Padilha, J. E.; Miwa, R. H.
Jul-2016Spin frustration of a spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg three-leg tube as an indispensable ground for thermal entanglementStrečka, Jozef; Alécio, Raphael Cavalcante; Lyra, Marcelo L.; Rojas, Onofre
3-Jul-2013Thermal entanglement in an orthogonal dimer-plaquette chain with alternating Ising-Heisenberg couplingPaulinelli, H. G.; Souza, S. M. de; Rojas, Onofre
21-Jun-2012Geometrical frustration of an extended Hubbard diamond chain in the quasiatomic limitRojas, Onofre; Souza, S. M. de; Ananikian, N. S.
25-Mai-2022Non-local gravity in bouncing cosmology scenariosJackson, D.; Bufalo, R.
11-Mai-2011Direct algebraic mapping transformation for decorated spin modelsRojas, Onofre; Souza, S. M. de