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Resultado 261-270 de 2234.
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Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
3-Dez-2018Two unusual new genera of cavernicolous Hydrometridae (Insecta: Heteroptera) from eastern BrazilPolhemus, Dan A.; Ferreira, Rodrigo Lopes
Set-2012Repeatless and repeat-based centromeres in potato: implications for centromere evolutionGong, Zhiyun; Wu, Yufeng; Koblížková, Andrea; Torres, Giovana A.; Wang, Kai; Iovene, Marina; Neumann, Pavel; Zhang, Wenli; Novák, Petr; Buell, C. Robin; Macas, Jiří; Jiang, Jiming
Jun-2011Aspects of the behavior and reproduction of Mastigoproctus brasilianus Koch, 1843, (Arachnida:Uropygi:Telyphonidae)Ferreira, Rodrigo Lopes; Silva, Wendell de Castro; Vieira, Vanessa Cristina; Silva, Marconi Souza
Out-2019Does integrative effects of glyphosate, gibberellin and hydrogen peroxide ameliorate the deleterious effects of the herbicide on sorghum seed through its germination?Gomes, Marcelo Pedrosa; Bicalho, Elisa Monteze; Cruz, Fernanda Vieira da Silva; Souza, Amanda Miranda; Silva, Brenda Maisa Rodrigues; Gonçalves, Cíntia de Almeida; Santos, Talita Raissa Silva dos; Souza, Queila
Mar-2015Review of Brazilian cave psocids of the families Psyllipsocidae and Prionoglarididae (Psocodea: ‘Psocoptera’: Trogiomorpha) with a key to the South American species of these familiesLienhard, Charles; Ferreira, Rodrigo L.
Fev-2015Cave conservation priority index to adopt a rapid protection strategy: a case study in Brazilian Atlantic Rain ForestSilva, Marconi Souza; Martins, Rogério Parentoni; Ferreira, Rodrigo Lopes
Mai-2019New proposals to estimate unbiased selection gain and coefficient of variation in traits evaluated using score scalesAnjos, Rafael S. R. dos; Marçal, Tiago de S.; Carneiro, Pedro C. S.; Carneiro, José E. de S.
-Utilisation of introduced Brazilian pastures ecosystems by native dung beetles: diversity patterns and resource useLouzada, Júlio L. C.; Silva, Paulo R. Carvalho e
Out-2014A new species of Eumops (Chiroptera: Molossidae) from southwestern PeruMedina, César E.; Gregorin, Renato; Zeballos, Horacio; Zamora, Hugo T.; Moras, Ligiane M.
Set-2015A new species of Spelaeogammarus (Amphipoda: Bogidielloidea: Artesiidae) with an identification key for the genusBastos-Pereira, Rafaela; Ferreira, Rodrigo L.