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Jul-2022Are the functional diversity terms functional? The hindrances of functional diversity understanding in the Brazilian scientific communityBastos-Pereira, Rafaela; Chagas, Tássia Rayane Ferreira; Carvalho, Débora Reis de; Rabello, Ananza Mara; Beiroz, Wallace; Tavares, Karla Palmieri; Lima, Karen Cristina Braga; Rabelo, Lucas Mendes; Valenzuela, Silvia; Correa, César M. A.; Pompeu, Paulo Santos; Ribas, Carla Rodrigues
Set-2015A new species of Spelaeogammarus (Amphipoda: Bogidielloidea: Artesiidae) with an identification key for the genusBastos-Pereira, Rafaela; Ferreira, Rodrigo L.
2015Reproductive aspects of Hyalella carstica (Amphipoda: Hyalellidae) in a natural environment in southeastern BrazilTorres, Silvia Helena Soares; Bastos-Pereira, Rafaela; Bueno, Alessandra Angélica de Pádua
2020New cave species of Pectenoniscus Andersson, 1960 (Isopoda: Oniscidea: Styloniscidae) and an identification key for the genusCardoso, Giovanna Monticelli; Bastos-Pereira, Rafaela; Souza, Leila Aparecida; Ferreira, Rodrigo Lopes
10-Abr-2018Anophtalmic and epigean? Description of an intriguing new species of Hyalella (Amphipoda, Hyalellidae) from BrazilBastos-Pereira, Rafaela; Oliveira, Marcus Paulo Alves de; Ferreira, Rodrigo L.
-Reproductive biology and egg production of Hyalella Longistila (Amphipoda: Hyalellidae), a freshwater amphipod in southeastern BrazilBastos-Pereira, Rafaela; Bueno, Alessandra Angélica de Pádua
2016Dynamics of a natural population of a hyallelid amphipod from BrazilBastos-Pereira, Rafaela; Bueno, Alessandra Angélica de Pádua
9-Fev-2017Spelaeogammarus uai (Bogidielloidea: Artesiidae): a new troglobitic amphipod from BrazilBastos-Pereira, Rafaela; Ferreira, Rodrigo L.
2022Two new troglobitic species of Iansaoniscus from Brazilian caves (Crustacea, Isopoda, Pudeoniscidae)Cardoso, Giovanna Monticelli; Bastos-Pereira, Rafaela; Ferreira, Rodrigo Lopes
2013A new species of freshwater amphipod (Dogielinotidae, Hyalella) from Southeastern BrazilBastos-Pereira, Rafaela; Bueno, Alessandra A. P.