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Jul-2022Are the functional diversity terms functional? The hindrances of functional diversity understanding in the Brazilian scientific communityBastos-Pereira, Rafaela; Chagas, Tássia Rayane Ferreira; Carvalho, Débora Reis de; Rabello, Ananza Mara; Beiroz, Wallace; Tavares, Karla Palmieri; Lima, Karen Cristina Braga; Rabelo, Lucas Mendes; Valenzuela, Silvia; Correa, César M. A.; Pompeu, Paulo Santos; Ribas, Carla Rodrigues
Nov-2012Ants as indicators of the success of rehabilitation efforts in deposits of gold mining tailingsRibas, Carla Rodrigues; Schmidt, Fernando A.; Solar, Ricardo R. C.; Campos, Renata B. F.; Valentim, Clarisse F.; Schoereder, José H.
Jan-2016Can anthropic fires affect epigaeic and hypogaeic Cerrado ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) communities in the same way?Canedo-Júnior, Ernesto de Oliveira; Cuissi, Rafael Gonçalves; Curi, Nelson Henrique de Almeida; Demetrio, Guilherme Ramos; Lasmar, Chaim José; Malves, Kira; Ribas, Carla Rodrigues
Mai-2015When is the best period to sample ants in tropical areas impacted by mining and in rehabilitation process?Rabello, Ananza Mara; Queiroz, Antônio César Medeiros de; Lasmar, Chaim José; Cuissi, Rafael Gonçalves; Canedo-Júnior, Ernesto Oliveira; Schmidt, F. A.; Ribas, Carla Rodrigues
Nov-2020Formigas removedoras de sementes apresentam potencial para auxiliar na regeneração de áreas impactadasSilva, Graziele Santiago da; Rabelo, Mariana Azevedo; Canedo Júnior, Ernesto de Oliveira; Ribas, Carla Rodrigues
Jan-2013How predictable is the response of ant assemblages to natural forest recovery?: implications for their use as bioindicatorsSchmidt, Fernando A.; Ribas, Carla Rodrigues; Schoereder, José H.
Nov-2014Extensive vs. semi-intensive grazing systems – are ants sensitive to this difference?Guimarães, Aretha Franklin; Lasmar, Chaim José; Querido, Luciano Camarraschi de Alagão; Tanure, Fernanda Torres; Ribas, Carla Rodrigues
Set-2022Ant species that remove diaspores alone are more efficient removersWilker, Icaro; Rabelo, Mariana A.; Angotti, Marina A.; Ribas, Carla Rodrigues
Set-2022Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of APA Pandeiros: A Perspective from a Decade of Research in an Environmental Protection Area in the Cerrado-Caatinga TransitionQueiroz, Antonio Cesar Medeiros de; Prado, Livia Pires do; Casarino, Rafael Almeida; Santiago, Graziele S.; Oliveira, Cynthia Valéria; Rabelo, Mariana A.; Ribas, Carla Rodrigues
Set-2018How does landscape anthropization affect the myrmecofauna of urban forest fragments?Santiago, Graziele da Silva; Campos, B. R. F.; Ribas, Carla Rodrigues