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Out-2021The soil seed bank as an indicator of altitudinal gradient in a montane tropical forestAbreu, V. S.; Dias, H. M.; Kunz, S. H.; van den Berg, E.; Garbin, M. L.
Set-2017Seasonal patterns of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity and total phenol and tannin contents in Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) CovilleCastro, Ana Hortência Fonsêca; Alvarenga, Amauri Alves de; Barbosa, João Paulo Rodrigues Alves Delfino; Mansur, Thaís de Oliveira Fontes; Paula, Ana Cardoso Clemente Filha Ferreira de
3-Jan-2019Moisture is more important than temperature for assembly of both potentially active and whole prokaryotic communities in subtropical grasslandLupatini, Manoeli; Suleiman, Afnan K. A.; Jacques, Rodrigo J. S.; Lemos, Leandro N.; Pylro, Victor S.; Van Veen, Johannes A.; Kuramae, Eiko E.; Roesch, Luiz F. W.
Mar-2021No matter where you are, ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) get attention when it is warmQueiroz, Antonio C. M.; Wilker, Icaro; Lasmar, Chaim J.; Mousinho, Elisa; Ribas, Carla R.; Berg, Eduardo van den
Jan-2023Ant diversity decreases during the dry season: a meta-analysis of the effects of seasonality on ant richness and abundanceQueiroz, Antônio C. M.; Marques, Tatianne G.; Ribas, Carla R.; Cornelissen, Tatiana G.; Nogueira, Anselmo; Schmidt, Fernando A.; Feitosa, Rodrigo M.; Sobrinho, Tathiana G.; Quinet, Yves; Baccaro, Fabrício B.; Ulysséa, Mônica A.; Vargas, André B.; Morini, Maria Santina C.; Souza, Jorge L. P.; Paolucci, Lucas N.; Dáttilo, Wesley; Del-Claro, Kleber; Lange, Denise; Santos, Jean C.; Silva, Rogério R.; Campos, Renata B. F.; Albuquerque, Emília Z.; Izzo, Thiago; Rabello, Ananza M.; Solar, Ricardo R. C.; Soares, Stela A.; Carvalho, Karine S.; Moraes, Aline B.; Torezan-Silingardi, Helena M.; Nahas, Larissa; Santos, Iracenir Andrade dos; Costa-Milanez, Cinthia B.; Esteves, Flávia; Frizzo, Tiago; Harada, Ana Y.; Rocha, Wesley da; Diehl- Fleig, Eduardo
31-Ago-2018Temperature and resource availability drive the seasonal abundance of Artibeus lituratus (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) in Atlantic Forest remnants of southeastern BrazilLaurindo, Rafael de Souza; Gregorin, Renato
-Tradition vs. innovation: comparing bioacoustics and mist-net results to bat samplingMancini, Matheus Camargo Silva; Hintze, Frederico; Laurindo, Rafael de Souza; Mello, Rodrigo de Macêdo; Gregorin, Renato
Ago-2017Effects of biotic and abiotic factors on the temporal dynamic of bat-fruit interactionsLaurindo, Rafael de Souza; Gregorin, Renato; Tavares, Davi Castro
Dez-2014Hydropeaking effects of on the diet of a neotropical fish communityGandini, Cíntia Veloso; Sampaio, Francisco Alexandre Costa; Pompeu, Paulo Santos