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Título: Processo educativo e resistência: trajetória de um educador em busca de emancipação
Título(s) alternativo(s): Educational process and resistance: trajectory of an educator in search of emancipation
Autores: Barbosa, Vanderlei
Reis, Fábio Pinto Gonçalves dos
Neves, Jorge Alexandre Barbosa
Palavras-chave: Sociedade de consumo
Educação dialógica
Indústria cultural
Educação emancipatória
Consumer society
Dialogic education
Cultural industry
Emancipatory education
Data do documento: 11-Ago-2023
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: COSTA, A. M. Processo educativo e resistência: trajetória de um educador em busca de emancipação. 2023. 98 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional de Educação)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Resumo: This dissertation is a critical memorial of my human and educational background, from early childhood to the present writing process of this dissertation. An exercise in memory of the paths taken for my teacher training, therefore. It also presents, by intent, the purpose of understanding the consumer society and its repercussions on people's lives, based on a bibliographical review with regard to the subject. Especially with regard to the issue of alienation arising from the processes of the cultural industry understood from the perspective of authors Adorno and Horkheimer of the School of Frankfurt, in the context of post-modernity accentuated by Bauman. Analyzing this cut in the consumer society, its desires, pitfalls and habits and, what it entails in people's lives, making known that this thematic analysis discusses practical, material and present issues in social life. It also analyzes the connection between the consumer society and education, a dialogical and emancipatory reference, in Paulo Freire's systematization, in what can be implemented as theoretical and learning actions within the didactic and pedagogical field in benefit of the dissemination of a new culture of responsibility in the face of postmodern challenges. However, it is challenging, as this political and educational model does not dialogue directly with the consumerist culture that propagates, through the numerous media, an empty and unattainable happiness.
Aparece nas coleções:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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