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Título: Racismo estrutural: uma análise discursiva dos processos de (des)construção da identidade do negro brasileiro no ambiente acadêmico
Título(s) alternativo(s): Structural racism: a discursive analysis of the processes of (de)construction of the identity of black brazilians in the academic environment
Autores: Amorim, Márcia Fonseca de
Cano, Márcio Rogério de Oliveira
Batista, Maria Eugenia
Palavras-chave: Análise de discurso
Discurso racista
Negro brasileiro
Ambiente acadêmico
Discourse analysis
Racist discourse
Brazilian blacks
Academic environment
Data do documento: 28-Dez-2023
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: BARBOSA, A. E. S. Racismo estrutural: uma análise discursiva dos processos de (des)construção da identidade do negro brasileiro no ambiente acadêmico. 2023. 142 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Resumo: The present work seeks to analyze the processes of (de)construction of the Brazilian black identity in the academic environment from a look at the discursive materiality that is reproduced in the interactions undertaken among the academic community. Our object of analysis is built from clippings of two reports, taken from a virtual blog, by black students narrating their experiences in the academic space. These narratives denounce the reproduction of racist discourse. From the reading movements that the Pecheutian Discourse Analysis allows us to carry out, from the contributions of the authors Amorim (2009) e (2016), Almeida (2018), Althusser (1998), Bourdieu (1989), Bujato and Souza (2020), Cano & Silva (2021), DiAngelo (2018), Fanon (2008), Fernandes (2008), Figueiredo and Grosfoguel (2009), Foucault (2009), França (2019), Gilroy (2012), Hall (2003) , Mbembe (2014), Nascimento (2003), Nascimento (2021), Nascimento (2016), Orlandi (2007a), (2007b) and (2008), Pêcheux (2006), Sampaio, Miranda and Junho (2020), Souza (1983), Valério et al (2021) and Viana (2021) who develop unique perspectives on the complex relationships that have been established since colonization in the Brazilian scenario, we present a study that deals with the situation of current black Brazilians with regard to their participation and performance in the academic environment. As the narratives of black students point out, structural racism acts latently, although silently. In view of the constant (re)productions of racist discourse and the materialization of the silent slave social structure, we highlight the need for an attentive and investigative look at the historically driven meanings that weave the inferiorization and marginalization of the Brazilian black population, both guided by in the process of (de)construction of black identity. After the analysis movements, we highlighted the presence of discursive silencing processes in the reproduction of racist discourse in the academic environment, processes that promote the (de)construction of black identity. We show that racist speeches are responsible for the reproduction of hate speech and symbolic violence against black people. We also show how the ideology of white supremacism promotes social divisions, while standardizing white people as superior.
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