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Título: O tradicionalismo religioso, a laicidade e suas implicações na Educação
Título(s) alternativo(s): Religious traditionalism, secularism, and their implications in Education
Autores: Barbosa, Vanderlei
Vieira, Estela Aparecida Oliveira
Oliveira, José Luiz de
Palavras-chave: Democracia
Tradicionalismo Religioso
Religious Traditionalism
Data do documento: 9-Jul-2024
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: SOUZA, Pedro José de. O tradicionalismo religioso, a laicidade e suas implicações na Educação. 2024. 198 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2024.
Resumo: The research has as its central theme the influence of Christian religious traditionalism on society, the conflicts surrounding the Secular State and its consequences for education. The main objective is to analyze how the Christian religious traditionalism (Catholic and Protestant) was founded, in addition, to conceptualize secularism and its legalization in the world and in Brazil, and to analyze how it influences the formulation of public educational policies, through legislation, presenting advances and setbacks. Having the documents, laws, in their parts that refer to secularism and education and educational legislation as the objects of this research, we seek to answer how religious traditionalism, with a fundamentalist trait, influences society and what are the consequences of this influence on education. This research is a narrative review type, with a qualitative focus, using the theory triangulation technique. In chapter 1, the Christianity is analyzed, from its inception to its arrival in Brazil and its role in education. The journey of the Church on the continent is also analyzed, especially with regard to education. The following references are used: Boff, Matos, Gutierrez, Reily, Saviani, as well as official documents of the Church. For references, we used: Weber, Bakunin, Reily, Nascimento, Hack,among others. In chapter 3, the secularism is conceptualized, the State and Church relationship in the world and in Brazil is analyzed, the process of legalization of the Secular State in Brazil, in the Constitution of 1891, as well as the points that refer to secularism and education in the following Constitutions: from 1934 to 1967. Levy and Cunha, Cury, Lafer, Bobrzyk, Bonome, Bakunin, Romano and Hoonaert, contribute to this chapter. Closing, in chapter 4, the points that make reference to secularism and education in the current Constitution of 1988 are analyzed, as well as the country's latest educational legislation: the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education and the National Base Common Curricular, in addition to the bills being processed in the National Congress that are related to secularism and education. In addition to the aforementioned legislation, the following contribute: Potiguar, Almeida, Levy e Cunha, Silva e Bonetti, Cury. The movements of the Churches are identified in their relations with the State and society and the way in which they influence it, especially through education. The fundamentalist wings of the Churches stand out, which, differentiating themselves from the moderate ones, try to impose their rules and have education as their focus, seeking to control and persecute. Amid the increase in the influence of these sectors, there are advances in educational legislation, with regard to secularism, although attempts at regression are still identified. In the final considerations, this entire process of relationship between Church and State is evaluated, the clashes and advances. For a more inclusive, democratic education, some solutions are presented. With the aim, therefore, of contributing to a more humanized educational process that respects diversity, an educational product of continued training is presented, entitled “Teachers, do you know what the Secular State is?”.
Aparece nas coleções:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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