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dc.creatorBarbosa, Lorena Oliveira-
dc.creatorFinger, César Augusto Guimarães-
dc.creatorCosta, Emanuel Arnoni-
dc.creatorCampoe, Otávio Camargo-
dc.creatorSchons, Cristine Tagliapietra-
dc.identifier.citationBARBOSA, Lorena Oliveira; FINGER, César Augusto Guimarães; COSTA, Emanuel Arnoni; CAMPOE, Otávio Camargo; SCHONS, Cristine Tagliapietra. Using crown characterisation variables as indicators of the vigour, competition and growth of Brazilian pine. *Southern Forests*, Grahamstown, v. 83, n. 4, p. 240-253, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: [data de acesso].pt_BR
dc.description.abstractCrown variables are used in growth and production models to increase the accuracy of estimates. These variablesare costly and difficult to measure, mainly in dense native forests such as mixed ombrophilous forests (MOF), whereAraucaria angustifolia is the predominant species. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of qualitative andquantitative variables to describe the vigour of the crown, competition and growth of A. angustifolia in SouthernBrazil MOF. We selected trees in the MOF area and measured circumference at breast height (CBH) and total height(h). For the crowns, a ranking of values was established in the variables: Crown Shape (CS), Vertical crown Shape(VS), Distance between Branches (DB), Sociological Position (SP), percentage of Green Leaves (GL) and Crown Size(CZ). Periodic Annual Increment in basal area (PAIg) and a Competition Index (CI) were calculated. We used principalcomponent analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) to describe and classify the sampled trees. Twogroups were generated: i) dominant and codominant trees, with higher growth, better vigour and better crown quality;and ii) suppressed trees with low vigour, consequently low increment and worse crown quality. The CI, when basedonly on diameter information, was inadequate to describe the competitive status of the trees, so information aboutcrowns was necessary. Qualitative crowns variables are important to classify the vigour, current level of competitionand to understand the different trends in A. angustifolia growth.pt_BR
dc.publisherSouthern Forests: a Journal of Forest Sciencept_BR
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.sourceSouthern Forestspt_BR
dc.subjectAraucária angustifóliapt_BR
dc.subjectIncremento basalpt_BR
dc.subjectCompetição entre árvorespt_BR
dc.subjectVigor das árvorespt_BR
dc.subjectMorfologia da copapt_BR
dc.subjectBasal incrementpt_BR
dc.subjectTree competitionpt_BR
dc.subjectTree vigourpt_BR
dc.subjectCrown morphologypt_BR
dc.titleUsing crown characterisation variables as indicators of the vigour, competition and growth of Brazilian pinept_BR
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