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Set-2019Drivers of ant composition, richness, and trophic guilds in Neotropical iron ore cavitiesCastro-Souza, Rodrigo Antonio; Pellegrini, Thaís Giovannini; Silva, Marconi Souza; Ferreira, Rodrigo Lopes
Mai-2020Drivers of bat roles in Neotropical seed dispersal networks: abundance is more important than functional traitsLaurindo, Rafael de Souza; Vizentin-Bugoni, Jeferson; Tavares, Davi Castro; Mancini, Matheus Camargo Silva; Mello, Rodrigo de Macêdo; Gregorin, Renato
Set-2017Drivers of community assembly in tropical forest restoration sites: role of local environment, landscape and spaceAudino, Lívia D.; Murphy, Stephen J.; Zambaldi, Ludimila; Louzada, Julio; Comita, Liza S.
2020Drivers of fish assemblage structures in a Neotropical urban watershedCruz, Lorenna Campos; Pompeu, Paulo Santos
Set-2020Drivers of future alien species impacts: an expert-based assessmentEssl, Franz; Lenzner, Bernd; Bacher, Sven; Bailey, Sarah; Capinha, Cesar; Daehler, Curtis; Dullinger, Stefan; Genovesi, Piero; Hui, Cang; Hulme, Philip E.; Jeschke, Jonathan M.; Katsanevakis, Stelios; Kühn, Ingolf; Leung, Brian; Liebhold, Andrew; Liu, Chunlong; MacIsaac, Hugh J.; Meyerson, Laura A.; Nuñez, Martin A.; Pauchard, Aníbal; Pyšek, Petr; Rabitsch, Wolfgang; Richardson, David M.; Roy, Helen E.; Ruiz, Gregory M.; Russell, James C.; Sanders, Nathan J.; Sax, Dov F.; Scalera, Riccardo; Seebens, Hanno; Springborn, Michael; Turbelin, Anna; Van Kleunen, Mark; Von Holle, Betsy; Winter, Marten; Zenni, Rafael D.; Mattsson, Brady J.; Roura-Pascual, Nuria
Fev-2019Drivers of growth variability of hymenaea stigonocarpa, a widely distributed tree species in the brazilian cerradoGranato-Souza, Daniela; Barbosa, Ana Carolina Maioli Campos; Chaves, Henrique Ferreira
Jun-2018Drivers of liking by TDS and acceptance of orange juice subject to different preservation processesRodrigues, Daniela Maria; Veríssimo, Bethania Vilela Eiras; Pinheiro, Ana Carla Marques; Souza, Vanessa Rios de
2021Drivers of linking of Prato cheeses: an evaluation using the check all that apply (CATA) and temporal dominance of sensations (TDS) toolsRodrigues, Jessica Ferreira; Andrade, Rafaela da Silva; Souza, Vanessa Rios de; Abreu, Luiz Ronaldo de; Barcelos, Alessandra de Fatima; Cruz, Adriano Gomes da; Esmerino, Erick Almeida; Pinheiro, Ana Carla Marques
2021Drivers of organic carbon stocks in different LULC history and along soil depth for a 30 years image time seriesTayebi, Mahboobeh; Rosas, Jorge Tadeu Fim; Mendes, Wanderson de Sousa; Poppiel, Raul Roberto; Ostovari, Yaser; Ruiz, Luis Fernando Chimelo; Santos, Natasha Valadares dos; Cerri, Carlos Eduardo Pellegrino; Silva, Sérgio Henrique Godinho; Curi, Nilton; Silvero, Nélida Elizabet Quiñonez; Demattê, José A. M.
13-Set-2024Drivers of species diversity and distribution of ants in the southwest brazilian amazonCosta, Marília Maria Silva da
Abr-2023Drivers of tree demographic processes in forest fragments of the brazilian atlantic forestTorres, Carlos Moreira Miquelino Eleto; Medina-Vega, José Anibal; Rocha, Samuel José Silva Soares da; Costa, Walter da Silva; Soares, Carlos Pedro Boechat; Souza, Agostinho Lopes de; Jacovine, Laércio Antônio Gonçalves; Lana, Jacinto Moreira de; Peña-Claros, Marielos
17-Jan-2022Driving factors toward adoption of improved maize varieties in Mozambique. An approach based on generalized estimating equations for spatial structured dataManuel, Lourenço; Silva, Jackelya Araujo da; Scalon, João Domingos
Out-2016Driving forces for chymosin partitioning on the macromolecule-salt aqueous two phase systemRengifo, Andrés F. Chamorro; Ferreira, Gabriel M. Dias; Ferreira, Guilherme M. Dias; Silva, Maria C. Hespanhol da; Rezende, Jaqueline de Paula; Pires, Ana Clarissa dos Santos; Silva, Luis Henrique Mendes da
2020Driving forces for COVID-19 clinical trials using chloroquine: the need to choose the right research questions and outcomesMonteiro, Wuelton Marcelo; Brito-Sousa, Jose Diego; Baía-da-Silva, Djane; Melo, Gisely Cardoso de; Siqueira, André Machado; Val, Fernando; Daniel-Ribeiro, Cláudio Tadeu; Lacerda, Marcus Vinicius Guimarães
2009Drosofilídeos e seus himenópteros parasitoides em Coffea arabica L.Fernandes, Daniell Rodrigo Rodrigues; Lara, Rogéria Inês Rosa; Perioto, Nelson Wanderley
Jan-2021Drought and re-watering modify ethylene production and sensitivity, and are associated with coffee anthesisLima, Andre Almeida; Santos, Iasminy Silva; Torres, Marlon Enrique López; Cardon, Carlos Henrique; Caldeira, Cecílio Frois; Lima, Renato Ribeiro; Davies, William John; Dodd, Ian Charles; Chalfun Junior, Antonio
Abr-2022Drought occurrences and impacts on the upper Grande river basin, BrazilJunqueira, Rubens; Amorim, Jhones da S.; Viola, Marcelo R.; Mello, Carlos R. de; Uddameri, Venkatesh; Prado, Luciana F.
Mai-2020Drought severity indexes for the Tocantins River Basin, BrazilJunqueira, Rubens; Viola, Marcelo Ribeiro; Silva Filho, Marcelo Vieira da; Alves, Marcos Vinicius Giongo; Amorim, Jhones da Silva
Abr-2018Drought tolerance of sugarcane is improved by previous exposure to water deficitMarcos, Fernanda C. C.; Silveira, Neidiquele M.; Mokochinski, João B.; Sawaya, Alexandra C. H. F.; Marchiori, Paulo E. R.; Machado, Eduardo C.; Souza, Gustavo M.; Landelle, Marcos G. A.; Ribeiro, Rafael V.
Dez-2018Drought tolerance of sugarcane propagules is improved when origin material faces water deficitMarcos, Fernanda C. C.; Silveira, Neidiquele M.; Marchiori, Paulo E. R.; Machado, Eduardo C.; Souza, Gustavo M.; Landell, Marcos G. A.; Ribeiro, Rafael V.