Browsing by Author Barata, Rafael Alexandre Pena

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Showing results 5 to 10 of 10 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Estimate and temporal monitoring of height and diameter of the canopy of recently transplanted coffee by a remotely piloted aircraft systemBento, Nicole Lopes; Ferraz, Gabriel Araújo e Silva; Barata, Rafael Alexandre Pena; Soares, Daniel Veiga; Santana, Lucas Santos; Barbosa, Brenon Diennevan Souza
Jun-2026Evaluation of coffee plant attributes by field collection and remotely piloted aircraft system imagesBento, Nicole Lopes; Ferraz, Gabriel Araújo e Silva; Barata, Rafael Alexandre Pena; Santana, Lucas Santos; Faria, Rafael de Oliveira; Soares, Daniel Veiga
2022Overlap influence in images obtained by an unmanned aerial vehicle on a digital terrain model of altimetric precisionBento, Nicole Lopes; Ferraz, Gabriel Araújo e Silva; Barata, Rafael Alexandre Pena; Santana, Lucas Santos; Barbosa, Brenon Diennevan Souza; Conti, Leonardo; Rossi, Giuseppe
10-Apr-2021Remotely piloted aircraft and random forest in the evaluation of the spatial variability of foliar nitrogen in coffee cropMarin, Diego Bedin; Ferraz, Gabriel Araújo e Silva; Guimarães, Paulo Henrique Sales; Schwerz, Felipe; Santana, Lucas Santos; Barbosa, Brenon Dienevam Souza; Barata, Rafael Alexandre Pena; Faria, Rafael de Oliveira; Dias, Jessica Ellen Lima; Conti, Leonardo; Rossi, Giuseppe
2021Unmanned aerial vehicle to evaluate frost damage in coffee plantsMarin, Diego Bedin; Ferraz, Gabriel Araújo e Silva; Schwerz, Felipe; Barata, Rafael Alexandre Pena; Faria, Rafael de Oliveira; Dias, Jessica Ellen Lima
2023Weed detection and mapping of a coffee farm by a remotely piloted aircraft systemBento, Nicole Lopes; Ferraz, Gabriel Araújo e Silva; Amorim, Jhones da Silva; Santana, Lucas Santos; Barata, Rafael Alexandre Pena; Soares, Daniel Veiga; Ferraz, Patrícia Ferreira Ponciano