Browsing by Author Rodrigues, Adrise Aparecida

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Showing results 2 to 6 of 6 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-2019Development and characterization of biodegradable films based on Pereskia aculeata Miller mucilageOliveira, Natália Leite; Rodrigues, Adrise Aparecida; Neves, Isabelle Cristina Oliveira; Lago, Amanda Maria Teixeira; Borges, Soraia Vilela; Resende, Jaime Vilela de
15-May-2022Development and characterization of starch-based films added ora-pro-nobis mucilage and study of biodegradation and photodegradationOliveira, Natália Leite; Oliveira, Ana Carolina Salgado de; Silva, Sergio Henrique; Rodrigues, Adrise Aparecida; Borges, Soraia Vilela; Oliveira, Juliano Elvis de; Resende, Jaime Vilela de
3-May-2022Efeito da substituição total e parcial do emulsificante comercial por mucilagem de ora-pro-nobis (Pereskia Aculeata Miller) na recristalização de gelo em sorvetes de sabor chocolateRodrigues, Adrise Aparecida
2023Effects of mixtures of ethanol-calcium chloride-carboxymethylcellulose on the bovine milk whey freeze concentration processDuarte, Camilla Soares; Rodrigues, Adrise Aparecida; Meira, Ana Cristina Freitas de Oliveira; Abreu, Luiz Ronaldo de; Costa, Fabiano Freire; Resende, Jaime Vilela de
29-Nov-2022Methanolic extracts of Chiococca alba in Aedes aegypti biorational management: larvicidal and repellent potential, and selectivity against non-target organismsOliveira, Natália Leite; Oliveira, Ana Carolina Salgado de; Silva, Sergio Henrique; Rodrigues, Adrise Aparecida; Borges, Soraia Vilela; Oliveira, Juliano Elvis de; Resende, Jaime Vilela de