Browsing by Author Carvalho, Fabrício Alvim

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Aug-2017Comunidade arbórea de uma floresta de de baixada aluvial no município de Campos dos Goytacazes, RJCarvalho, Fabrício Alvim; Braga, João Marcelo Alvarenga; Gomes, José Manoel Lúcio; Souza, Josival Santos; Nascimento, Marcelo Trindade
Feb-2021Edge effects in forest patches surrounded by native grassland are also dependent on patch size and shapeSantana, Lucas Deziderio; Prado-Junior, Jamir A.; Ribeiro, José Hugo C.; Ribeiro, Miriana Araújo S.; Pereira, Kelly Marianne G.; Antunes, Kelly; Carvalho, Fabrício Alvim; Berg, Eduardo van den
2020Impact on soil and tree community of a threatened subtropical phytophysiognomy after a forest fireSantana, Lucas Deziderio; Ribeiro, José Hugo Campos; van den Berg, Eduardo; Carvalho, Fabrício Alvim
Mar-2020Land use history drives differences in functional composition and losses in functional diversity and stability of Neotropical urban forestsPyles, Marcela V.; Magnago, Luiz F. S.; Borges, Erica Rievrs; van den Berg, Eduardo; Carvalho, Fabrício Alvim
1-Nov-2021Mapping the stock and spatial distribution of aboveground woody biomass in the native vegetation of the brazilian cerrado biomeZimbres, Barbara; Rodríguez-Veiga, Pedro; Shimbo, Julia Z.; Bispo, Polyanna da Conceição; Balzter, Heiko; Bustamante, Mercedes; Roitman, Iris; Haidar, Ricardo; Miranda, Sabrina; Gomes, Letícia; Carvalho, Fabrício Alvim; Lenza, Eddie; Santos, Leonardo Maracahipes; Abadia, Ana Clara; Prado Júnior, Jamir Afonso do; Machado, Evandro Luiz Mendonça; Gonzaga, Anne Priscila Dias; Terra, Marcelade Castro Nunes Santos; Mello, José Marcio de; Scolforo, José Roberto Soares; Pinto, José Roberto Rodrigues; Alencar, Ane