Browsing by Author Chizzotti, Mario L.

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Mar-2015Achieving body weight adjustments for feeding status and pregnant or nonpregnant condition in beef cowsGionbelli, Mateus P.; Duarte, Marcio S.; Valadares Filho, Sebastião C.; Detmann, Edenio; Chizzotti, Mario L.; Rodrigues, Felipe C.; Zanetti, Diego; Gionbelli, Tathyane R. S.; Machado, Marcelo G.
Sep-2016Effect of increasing levels of glycerin on growth rate, carcass traits and liver gluconeogenesis in young bullsLadeira, Marcio M.; Carvalho, José Rodolfo R.; Chizzotti, Mario L.; Teixeira, Priscilla D.; Dias, Júlio César O.; Gionbelli, Tathyane R.S.; Rodrigues, Aline C.; Oliveira, Dalton M.
Jul-2022Effect of short-term dietary protein restriction before slaughter on meat quality and skeletal muscle metabolomic profile in culled ewesRamírez Zamudio, Germán D.; Silva, Luiz H. P.; Vieira, Nívea M.; Vilela, Rizielly S. R.; Assis, Débora E. F.; Assis, Gutierrez J. F.; Estrada, Mauricio M.; Rodrigues, Rafael T. S.; Duarte, Marcio S.; Chizzotti, Mario L.
May-2019Explaining meat quality of bulls and steers by differential proteome and phosphoproteome analysis of skeletal muscleSilva, Luiz H. P.; Rodrigues, Rafael T. S.; Assis, Débora E. F.; Benedeti, Pedro D. B.; Duarte, Marcio S.; Chizzotti, Mario L.
2012Lipids in the diet and the fatty acid profile in beef: a review and recent patents on the topicChalfun Junior, Antonio; Oliveira, Dalton M.; Chizzotti, Mario L.; Machado Neto, Otavio R.; Ladeira, Marcio M.
Aug-2014Meat quality and fatty acid profile of Brazilian goats subjected to different nutritional treatmentsLopes, Leandro Sâmia; Martins, Samara Rodrigues; Chizzotti, Mario L.; Busato, Karina Costa; Oliveira, Ivanna Moraes de; Machado Neto, Otávio R.; Paulino, Pedro Veiga Rodrigues; Lanna, Dante Pazzanese Duarte; Ladeira, Marcio Machado
Sep-2021Prediction of aboveground biomass and dry-matter content in Brachiaria pastures by combining meteorological data and satellite imageryBretas, Igor L.; Valente, Domingos S. M.; Silva, Fabyano F.; Chizzotti, Mario L.; Paulino, Mário F.; D’Áurea, André P.; Paciullo, Domingos S.C.; Pedreira, Bruno C.; Chizzotti, Fernanda H.M.
Nov-2017Subspecies and diet affect the expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism and chemical composition of muscle in beef cattleTeixeira, Priscilla D.; Oliveira, Dalton M.; Chizzotti, Mario L.; Chalfun-Junior, Antonio; Coelho, Tamara C.; Gionbelli, Mateus P.; Paiva, Luciano V.; Carvalho, José Roberto R.; Ladeira, Marcio M.
Jan-2019Total nutrient digestibility and small intestine starch digestion in nellore and angus young bulls fed a whole shelled corn dietCarvalho, José Rodolfo R.; Schoonmaker, Jon P.; Chizzotti, Mario L.; Teixeira, Priscilla D.; Dias, Julio Cesar O.; Gionbelli, Tathyane R. S.; Rodrigues, Aline C.; Costa, Suely F.; Ladeira, Marcio Machado