Browsing by Author Pereira, Marluce Rodrigues

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Acceptance of wearable health technologies: a mapping of the state of the artFreire, André P.; Dominguete, Gustavo Lopes; Pereira, Marluce Rodrigues
-Health MonitorSilva, Bruno de Abreu; Pereira, Marluce Rodrigues; Oliveira, Miller César de
2013Uma nova proposta de paralelismo e balanceamento de carga para o algoritmo AprioriBolina, André Camilo; Pereira, Denilson Alves; Esmin, Ahmed Ali Abdalla; Pereira, Marluce Rodrigues
1-Aug-2017Performance analysis of static constraint network partitioning algorithm using multithreadsVeiga, Rolf Pagotto; Pereira, Marluce Rodrigues; Lacerda, Wilian Soares
-Portal Mais Saúde em CasaMaziero, Erick Galani; Moraes Júnior, Hermes Pimenta de; Pereira, Marluce Rodrigues; Durelli, Rafael Serapilha; Bettio, Raphael Winckler de
Dec-2017Qualitative review of usability problems in health information systems for radiologyDias, Camila Rodrigues; Pereira, Marluce Rodrigues; Freire, André Pimenta
2013SMINER - a platform for data mining based on service-oriented architectureEsmin, Ahmed Ali Abdalla; Pereira, Denilson Alves; Pereira, Marluce Rodrigues; Araújo, Deivison Luiz
2022Telemedicina durante a pandemia da Covid-19 - um Programa de Educação MédicaFreitas, Maeve; Graciano, Miriam Monteiro de Castro; Pereira, Marluce Rodrigues; Moura, Rodrigo Ferreira de
2022Understanding interaction and organizational issues in radiology information systems: a qualitative study with health professionalsSilva, Fábio Aparecido Candido da; Pereira, Marluce Rodrigues; Freire, André Pimenta