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dc.creatorIshikawa, Francine H.-
dc.creatorSouza, Elaine A.-
dc.creatorRead, Nick D.-
dc.creatorRoca, M. Gabriela-
dc.identifier.citationISHIKAWA, F. H. et al. Live-cell imaging of conidial fusion in the bean pathogen, Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. Fungal Biology, Oxford, v. 114, n. 1, p. 2-9, Jan. 2010.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractFusion of conidia and conidial germlings by means of conidial anastomosis tubes (CATs) is a common phenomenon in filamentous fungi, including many plant pathogens. It has a number of different roles, and has been speculated to facilitate parasexual recombination and horizontal gene transfer between species. The bean pathogen Colletotrichum lindemuthianum naturally undergoes CAT fusion on the host surface and within asexual fruiting bodies in anthracnose lesions on its host. It has not been previously possible to analyze the whole process of CAT fusion in this or any other pathogen using live-cell imaging techniques. Here we report the development of a robust protocol for doing this with C. lindemuthianum in vitro. The percentage of conidial germination and CAT fusion was found to be dependent on culture age, media and the fungal strain used. Increased CAT fusion was correlated with reduced germ tube formation. We show time-lapse imaging of the whole process of CAT fusion in C. lindemuthianum for the first time and monitored nuclear migration through fused CATs using nuclei labelled with GFP. CAT fusion in this pathogen was found to exhibit significant differences to that in the model system Neurospora crassa. In contrast to N. crassa, CAT fusion in C. lindemuthianum is inhibited by nutrients (it only occurs in water) and the process takes considerably longer.pt_BR
dc.sourceFungal Biologypt_BR
dc.subjectColletotrichum lindemuthianumpt_BR
dc.subjectConidial anastomosis tubept_BR
dc.subjectGerm tubept_BR
dc.subjectLive-cell imagingpt_BR
dc.subjectNeurospora crassapt_BR
dc.subjectSpore germinationpt_BR
dc.subjectTubo de anastomose conidialpt_BR
dc.subjectTubo de germept_BR
dc.subjectImagens de células ao vivopt_BR
dc.subjectGerminação de esporospt_BR
dc.titleLive-cell imaging of conidial fusion in the bean pathogen, Colletotrichum lindemuthianumpt_BR
Appears in Collections:DBI - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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