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dc.creatorSendra, Alberto-
dc.creatorYoshizawa, Kazunori-
dc.creatorFerreira, Rodrigo Lopes-
dc.identifier.citationSENDRA, A.; YOSHIZAWA, K.; FERREIRA, R. L. New oversize troglobitic species of Campodeidae in Japan (Diplura). Subterranean Biology, [S.l.], v. 27, p. 53-73, 2018. DOI: 10.3897/subtbiol.27.28575.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractTwo new oversize troglobitic species of diplurans campodeids, Pacificampa daidarabotchi Sendra, sp. n. and Pacificampa nipponica Sendra, sp. n., found in three caves in two southern Japanese islands are described. It is the first record of cave-dwelling Diplurans from Japan and more specifically these are two Campodeinae of Pacificampa Chevrizov, 1978 formally known in continental Asia with three cave-dwelling species described in Russia and China near the north of the Korean peninsula. In P. daidarabotchi sp. n., in addition to its oversized body, the longest ever known in campodeids family, it shows as its main differential taxonomical feature the absence of lp metanotal macrosetae. P. nipponica sp. n. is much closer to continental Pacificampa species but it shows differences in the urotergal macrosetae formula. Both Japanese species have clear troglomorphic features related with their elongated body and appendages and an increase in number and complexity of the sensorial antennal equipment with unique olfactory chemoreceptors. Two biogeographical remarks are inferred: P. nipponica sp. n., has been found in two islands that were connected during the glacial age and P. daidarabotchi sp. n. lives in a single cave near another where P. nipponica sp. n. dwells which allowing to suggest a sympatric distribution; Pacificampa seems to be related with Eumesocampa, a genus from North-America, as a consequence of the Holarctic connection between Asia and America. The interests of P. daidarabotchi sp. n. and P. nipponica sp. n. as endemic species in addition to their biogeographical importance should be taken into consideration to ensure better management of the three touristic caves where they dwell and especially the protection of Mejido-do cave, the only location of the large P. daidarabotchi sp. n. near to an active quarry.pt_BR
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International*
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.sourcePublishers Subterranean Biologypt_BR
dc.subjectKyushu Islandpt_BR
dc.subjectShikoku Islandpt_BR
dc.subjectPacificampa daidarabotchipt_BR
dc.subjectPacificampa nipponicapt_BR
dc.subjectCave faunapt_BR
dc.titleNew oversize troglobitic species of Campodeidae in Japan (Diplura)pt_BR
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