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dc.creatorLourenço, A. C. S.-
dc.creatorGomes, C.-
dc.creatorBoareto, A. C.-
dc.creatorMueller, R. P.-
dc.creatorNihi, F.-
dc.creatorAndrade, L. F.-
dc.creatorTrindade, E. S.-
dc.creatorCoelho, I.-
dc.creatorNaliwaiko, K.-
dc.creatorMorais, R. N.-
dc.creatorMartino-Andrade, A. J.-
dc.identifier.citationLOURENÇO, A. C. S. et al. Influence of oily vehicles on fetal testis and lipid profile of rats exposed to di-butyl phthalate. Human and Experimental Toxicology, [S.l.], v. 33, n. 1, p. 54-63, 2014.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractIt has been hypothesized that oils containing high levels of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as canola and fish oil, could counteract some of the adverse effects induced by phthalates. In the present study, the influence of different oily vehicles on di-butyl phthalate (DBP)-induced testicular toxicity and lipid profile was investigated. Pregnant Wistar rats were treated by oral gavage from gestation days 13 to 20 with DBP (500 mg/kg/ day) diluted in three different vehicles: corn, canola or fish oil. Male fetuses were analyzed on gestation day 20. DBP exposure lowered intratesticular testosterone levels and anogenital distance, regardless of the vehicle used. The percentage of seminiferous cords containing multinucleated gonocytes and cord diameter was increased in DBP-exposed groups, compared with vehicle controls, with no difference between the three DBP-exposed groups. Clustering of Leydig cells was seen in all DBP groups. Lipid profile indicated that administration of canola and fish oil can increase the content of omega-3 fatty acids in rat testis. However, content of omega-3 was diminished in DBP-treated groups. Overall, our results indicate that different oily vehicles did not alter fetal rat testicular toxicity induced by a high DBP dosept_BR
dc.publisherSage Journalspt_BR
dc.sourceHuman and Experimental Toxicologypt_BR
dc.subjectDi-butyl phthalatept_BR
dc.subjectFatty acidspt_BR
dc.titleInfluence of oily vehicles on fetal testis and lipid profile of rats exposed to di-butyl phthalatept_BR
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