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dc.creatorFaria, Douglas Lamounier-
dc.creatorMesquita Júnior, Laércio-
dc.creatorResende, Ana Angélica-
dc.creatorLopes, Daiane Erika-
dc.creatorMendes, Lourival Marin-
dc.creatorMartins, Maria Alice-
dc.creatorMarconcini, José Manoel-
dc.creatorGuimarães Junior, José Benedito-
dc.identifier.citationFARIA, D. L. et al. Physical and mechanical properties of polyurethane thermoset matrices reinforced with green coconut fibres. Journal of Composite Materials, Lancaster, 2020. DOI:
dc.description.abstractCurrently, the use of composites to replace parts made only with plastics has been gradually employed. The advantages of these composites are low cost, high availability of raw materials and good physical and mechanical properties. Thus, this work aimed at producing and characterizing composites produced with coconut fibre reinforced polyurethane matrices. The coconut fibres were studied as to their chemical constituents, aspect ratio, bulk density, pH, tensile properties, and surface SEM images. The composites were prepared using the hand lay-up process and four different concentrations of coconut fibre were evaluated: 30, 40, 50, and 60%. The composites were assessed as for water absorption after 20 days of immersion, bulk density, impact IZOD, tensile tests, and visualize the matrix-reinforcement interface using SEM. The electron micrographs showed a great deal of impurities on the surface of coconut fibres, such as greases, waxes, and gums, due to the high amount of extraction material (19.78%), which damages the adherence of the polymer onto the coconut fibre and, as observed, cause detachment between the reinforcement and the matrix. The tensile strength of the composites tended to increase as greater amounts of coconut fibres were added to the matrix. The averages were around 6.51 to 6.72 MPa for composites with 30 and 60% fibres, respectively. Therefore, coconut fibres can be considered as an alternative to synthetic fibres commonly used in composites, and they can be used at a ratio of 60% without prejudicing the properties of the composites, making them lighter and cheaper.pt_BR
dc.publisherSAGE Journalspt_BR
dc.sourceJournal of Composite Materialspt_BR
dc.subjectThermoset matricespt_BR
dc.subjectCocos nuciferapt_BR
dc.subjectPolyurethane matricespt_BR
dc.subjectMatrizes termofixaspt_BR
dc.subjectMatrizes de poliuretanopt_BR
dc.titlePhysical and mechanical properties of polyurethane thermoset matrices reinforced with green coconut fibrespt_BR
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