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Resultado 5951-5960 de 6385.
Conjunto de itens:
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
Ago-2022Pedogenic processes in a chronosequence of very deeply weathered soils in southeastern BrazilRezende, Sérvulo Batista de; Franzmeier, Donald P.; Resende, Mauro; Mancini, Marcelo; Curi, Nilton
2019Long term application of pig manure on the chemical and physical properties of Brazilian Cerrado soilTavares, Rose Luiza Moraes; Assis, Renato Lara; Ferreira, Ranier Vieira; Menezes, June Faria Scherrer; Simon, Gustavo André; Boldrin, Paulo Fernandes; Cantão, Veridiana Cardoso Gonçalves
Mai-2012Development of clonal matrices of australian red cedar in different substrates under fertilizer dosesBenatti, Bruno Peres; Furtini Neto, Antonio Eduardo; Moretti, Bruno da Silva; Stehling, Eduardo de Castro; Sousa, Thaiana Marinha Almeida de
Jun-2012Selenato e selenito na produção e biofortificação agronômica com selênio em arrozBoldrin, Paulo Fernandes; Faquin, Valdemar; Ramos, Sílvio Júnio; Guilherme, Luiz Roberto Guimarães; Bastos, Carla Elisa Alves; Carvalho, Geila Santos; Costa, Enio Tarso de Souza
Jul-2020Brachiaria and Panicum maximum in an integrated crop–livestock system and a second-crop maize system in succession with soybeanDias, Mariana Borges de Castro; Costa, Kátia Aparecida de Pinho; Severiano, Eduardo da Costa; Bilego, Ubirajara Oliveira; Furtini Neto, Antonio Eduardo; Brand, Simone Cristiane; Vilela, Lourival
2019Leading systems and viability of citric buds in hydroponicsGomes, Wiara de Assis; Chalfun, Nilton Nagib Jorge; Peche, Pedro Maranha; Ramos, José Darlan; Faquin, Valdemar
2022Simulated annealing in feature selection approach for modeling aboveground carbon stock at the transition between Brazilian Savanna and Atlantic Forest biomesAraújo, Laís Almeida; Lopes, Isáira Leite e; Oliveira, Rafael Menali; Silva, Sérgio Henrique Godinho; Silva, Carolina Souza Jarochinski e; Gomide, Lucas Rezende
Jan-2022Classifying the potential of biochars from agricultural and industrial waste for the recovery of Fe and Mg mining tailingsRodriguez, José Alexander; Lustosa Filho, José Ferreira; Melo, Leônidas Carrijo Azevedo; Assis, Igor Rodrigues de; Oliveira, Teógenes Senna de
Set-2013Evaluation of germplasm effect on Fe, Zn and Se content in wheat seedlingsSouza, Guilherme Amaral de; Carvalho, Janice Guedes de; Rutzke, Michael; Albrecht, Julio César; Guilherme, Luiz Roberto Guimarães
18-Dez-2008Adsorção e dessorção aniônicas individuais por gibbsita pedogenéticaPozza, Adélia Aziz Alexandre; Curi, Nilton; Guilherme, Luiz R. G.; Marques, João José Granate de Sá e Melo; Costa, Enio T. S.; Zuliani, Daniela Q.; Motta, Paulo E.F.; Martins, Rodrigo S.; Oliveira, Luiz C. A.