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dc.creatorLopes, Ana Claudia Alencar-
dc.creatorAndrade, Rafaela Pereira-
dc.creatorCasagrande, Marcelo dos Reis-
dc.creatorSantiago, Wilder Douglas-
dc.creatorResende, Mario Lúcio Vilela de-
dc.creatorCardoso, Maria das Graças-
dc.creatorVilanova, Mar-
dc.creatorDuarte, Whasley Ferreira-
dc.identifier.citationLOPES, A. C. A. et al. Production and characterization of a new distilled beverage from green coffee seed residue. Food Chemistry, London, v. 377, 131960, 30 May 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.131960.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThis study evaluated green coffee seed residue (GCSR) as an alternative substrate for producing distilled beverages. Two proportions of GCSR, 10% and 20% (w/v), were fermented and distilled in a copper alembic still. The spirits were characterized by GC-FID, HS-SPME GC–MS, and sensory analysis by trained panelists. Most of the 62 identified volatile compounds were affected by the GCSR concentration. Total terpenes, higher alcohols, and acetals showed the highest concentrations in the 10% GCSR spirit. Esters, acetates, and aldehydes were most abundant in the 20% GCSR. In the sensory analysis, the 10% GCSR spirit was characterized by floral, dairy, and almond aromas, while the 20% GCSR spirit was embodied coffee, vegetable, hazelnut, cooked cabbage, and nut descriptors. The results demonstrate the potential of GCSR as a substrate for producing coffee spirits with chemical and sensory qualities, with the 10% GCSR being the better option for fermentation.pt_BR
dc.sourceFood Chemistrypt_BR
dc.subjectCoffee byproductspt_BR
dc.subjectCoffee spiritpt_BR
dc.subjectVolatile compoundspt_BR
dc.subjectGreen coffee seed residuept_BR
dc.subjectSubprodutos do cafépt_BR
dc.subjectEspírito de cafépt_BR
dc.subjectCompostos voláteispt_BR
dc.subjectResíduo de semente de café verdept_BR
dc.titleProduction and characterization of a new distilled beverage from green coffee seed residuept_BR
Appears in Collections:DBI - Artigos publicados em periódicos
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